Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
Khev mentioned that the best way to have handled the Hulk in AEG was to have Professor hulk get some time to shine in the final battle.
It might have helped me in the moment.. But again this is not the Hulk in EG.. Its not Professor Hulk either.
The Hulk was killed off with no fanfare. Tony's death meant something, Black Widow's Death meant something, the aging of Cap meant something, but the death of the hulk.. Nothing.
Again if they handled the Hulk in this film like the comic version I may not be so frustrated.. But there was no sign of the hulk in this film..
Seriously look at the photos below and compare.. Banner really just looks like a large bodybuilder or WWE performer. Nothing was left of the hulk other then his green skin. There was no merge of Banner and Hulk.. The best of both worlds just did not happen.
I am about done with complaining as I know it changes nothing and even the fans of the film feel Hulk was short changed and feel bad for the hulk fans out there... I am sure I will have a rebuttal or two as Khev, Jye, Wor, Clown or someone else will force me to
.. But

Khev mentioned that the best way to have handled the Hulk in AEG was to have Professor hulk get some time to shine in the final battle.
It might have helped me in the moment.. But again this is not the Hulk in EG.. Its not Professor Hulk either.
The Hulk was killed off with no fanfare. Tony's death meant something, Black Widow's Death meant something, the aging of Cap meant something, but the death of the hulk.. Nothing.
Again if they handled the Hulk in this film like the comic version I may not be so frustrated.. But there was no sign of the hulk in this film..
Seriously look at the photos below and compare.. Banner really just looks like a large bodybuilder or WWE performer. Nothing was left of the hulk other then his green skin. There was no merge of Banner and Hulk.. The best of both worlds just did not happen.
I am about done with complaining as I know it changes nothing and even the fans of the film feel Hulk was short changed and feel bad for the hulk fans out there... I am sure I will have a rebuttal or two as Khev, Jye, Wor, Clown or someone else will force me to

If this is it for the Hulk then I just got to say RIP Hulk... We hardly knew ya.