Super Freak
Don't forget to save all of your spare Gimli parts and pieces for your very own custom "Gloin" figure!...
With Sideshow shelving the 12" LOTR line, I'm betting on similar treatment of the Hobbit. They'll probably just produce a Bilbo to go with Gandalf and wave a fond farewell to the whole line. Then again, that's IF they do anything. I really don't see the LOTR line picking up after The Hobbit as IMO (and flame away), the LOTR series was much better.
However, a Bilbo mod shouldn't be that hard either. You could easily just use Frodo and get a bald sculpt of Ian Holm and he'd look right at home with Frodo's wig and clothes. Hmmm, maybe I'll pick up a second Gandalf just in case...