Hot Toys – MMS132 - Iron Man 2: Mark VI full spec and pics

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Found this on flickr, from last weekend's STGCC. They definitely fixed the boxy-looking jaw.


That's not too surprising. Wasn't the head shown in the old stock photos from the Battle-Damaged Mark 3? Great find though Spanbauer. :hi5:
Are they still there for order?

Yes. But I don't know which batch it is right now. This might the second batch, which means that anyone ordering right now won't necessarily get it as soon as Toys2 gets its first shipment.
Stupid question, but do you guys think the Mark VI and War Machine figs from Hot Toys are going to sell out fast? Have Iron Man figures usually stayed at a reasonable price?
by the looks of it at least on MIV sold out but WM and MVI still avail. Eric did mention MIV started out weak but it took off big time and I wonder why :D
The Mark IV is my best figure to date out of the 70 odd figures i have its just mind blowingly awesome, and as the VI is practically the same suit that will be as well.
I do hope the paint job is just like the MKIV. I see the crotch area fading like the MKIII
I'd love to know that myself.

Because after warmachine there was a level of uncertancy. (abb crunch joint)
you dont know exactly what the final product is going to be

we got a little of the same with beserker. (height)

(calcifer, spandbauer) sarcastic douches :pfft:
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Because after warmachine there was a level of uncertancy. (abb crunch joint)
you dont know exactly what the final product is going to be

we got a little of the same with beserker. (height)

(calcifer, spandbauer) sarcastic douches :pfft:
Those are poor examples in this scenario; the Mark VI is the exact same figure as the Mark IV but with a different paintjob and chestpiece. That's why Calcifer and I are so confused as to why people (not just you) thought it'd have any less articulation.
yea but the mark 6 is going to have extra moviing parts inside its torso (shoulder mini missles) and add on parts(armor). so it not going to be the same exact figure.

you yourself have stated concern about its articulation being hindered. spanbauer.
yea but the mark 6 is going to have extra moviing parts inside its torso (shoulder mini missles) and add on parts(armor). so it not going to be the same exact figure.

you yourself have stated concern about its articulation being hindered. spanbauer.
The shoulders could be affected due to the shoulder rockets yes, but nothing's changing inside the torso/waist.

Anyhow, I really want to see more pics of this guy. This is the only photo I've found online from STGCC; the others are all of the Mark IV or even the Mark III for some reason. I don't know if the VI was on display elsewhere or what, but nobody took photos of him.
i knew this is a blast compaired to mark4 ... it's hyped becuase of the hs that is totally awesome and the donuts but the fig itself is no match to this one!!!