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I hope they've got this figure on display at the show this week, and that we get some fresh pics in some new poses. All we've basically seen him as is battle-damaged with both arms out. It'd be great to see the headsculpt, too.
Does anyone have pictures if the head was revised? That is one of the things I didnt like about this, the jaw seemed too thick. Also I really dont like the drone base and that it doesnt come with the clear rod and gripper would be cool to pose him in flight.
Does anyone have pictures if the head was revised?
Yup. Page 82.
Found this on flickr, from last weekend's STGCC. They definitely fixed the boxy-looking jaw.

Saw some new pics of the MK6!

Looks super poseable and it seems like it can achieve any pose!


Oh wait its a revoltech figure :p
:lol ..i was about to call you a retard before i scrolled down further , but that is really cool looking!
RTs have terrible articulation. A wide range of movement but it's all pretty unnatural and difficult to deal with since all the joints are ratcheted. Also $40+ for a 5" figure is more than I want to pay.
Terrible articulation? you sure about that?

I've never had any trouble getting good, realistic poses out of my Revo figures.
I mean, yeah, they're figidangoliy, and take some working with, but the end results are generally worth the effort.
Terrible articulation? you sure about that?

I've never had any trouble getting good, realistic poses out of my Revo figures.
I mean, yeah, they're figidangoliy, and take some working with, but the end results are generally worth the effort.

Yes, at least imo. They're as bad as Marvel Legends. They're a pain in the ass to pose, and a lot of them (the Evangelions in particular) can't even stand up straight. So many other people do it so much better.
Requiring more work than should be necessary, making simple standing poses impossible, and restricting almost every joint to just 5 ratcheted angles of movement = terrible articulation.

A lot of articulation ≠ good articlation