War Machine 30th October and Mark IV 30th November, so all had the both po´ed together will probably have him for christmas.

I don't understand people preordering stuff on ebay and paying upfront. You get NO protection from Ebay because they stated no sale on PO items a couple months out. Why not just PO from reputable online stores, yeah it comes out a little later but you are protected and have NO worries about your money.
now I know why they announced these so early. I guess they take a long time to make.
The face still seems weird to me.Here's a fresh pic of WM from Ani-Com in Hong Kong
I've gotten 5 HT figures from Cornerstore through their pre-orders and I have 5 current pre-orders, never had any problems. Luckily for me, they are only 10 minutes away so I save money on shipping.Has anyone pre-ordered from cornerstorecomics?
I love how beastly this figure is. In a way like Mark 1.
Has anyone pre-ordered from cornerstorecomics?
Hey, I've been monitoring this thread.
I'm not familiar with how long these things take because this is my first Hot Toys purchase. Well, my girl pre-ordered it for me from Big Bad Toy Store back in May. What's the reputation like for this site?
Can I even expect to get my figure from them? You've all been referencing eBayers, so I'm a little concerned my girlfriend went through the wrong avenues.