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I'm not familiar with KOTOR but I do think the more we see of the Force the less I care about it, but at this point I suppose it doesn't matter.

I thought the Force was fine....until TLJ. All of a sudden you could basically do whatever the hell you wanted with it, anyone could use the Force, and you were basically a god with it. It used to be a device that helped drive the narrative or assist in the action moments, now Disney just wants cool Force moments and do whatever they want with it to give people something to talk about.
I thought the Force was fine....until TLJ. All of a sudden you could basically do whatever the hell you wanted with it, anyone could use the Force, and you were basically a god with it. It used to be a device that helped drive the narrative or assist in the action moments, now Disney just wants cool Force moments and do whatever they want with it to give people something to talk about.

It is odd. They introduce (as far as I know) force projection, which is apparently hard enough to do that it kills Luke Skywalker, and then in the next movie they're literally teleporting objects using the force no problem.
It is odd. They introduce (as far as I know) force projection, which is apparently hard enough to do that it kills Luke Skywalker, and then in the next movie they're literally teleporting objects using the force no problem.

Yeah. I don't mind if they introduce new force abilities that we haven't seen before, but when a key plot point in the previous movie is that a specific ability is so difficult that only Luke and Snoke are capable of it, and it ends up killing Luke.

But then both Kylo and Rey are doing advanced versions of it effortlessly.
I'm not familiar with KOTOR but I do think the more we see of the Force the less I care about it, but at this point I suppose it doesn't matter.

Vader...I've always strongly believed less is more. In my opinion he retains his narrative power by remaining a figure of mystery and darkness that we don't see a lot of. A whole series about him would ruin that. Now he can't "loom" he has to go to work and send memos in between dicing, chopping and choking his quarry of the week.

I thought the Force was fine....until TLJ. All of a sudden you could basically do whatever the hell you wanted with it, anyone could use the Force, and you were basically a god with it. It used to be a device that helped drive the narrative or assist in the action moments, now Disney just wants cool Force moments and do whatever they want with it to give people something to talk about.

It is odd. They introduce (as far as I know) force projection, which is apparently hard enough to do that it kills Luke Skywalker, and then in the next movie they're literally teleporting objects using the force no problem.

All of this. The more they made the force do bigger and better things and become a spectacle, the less interesting and realistic it became (in the suspending disbelief type of way). Just starts to become the Matrix or something.

And yeah, less is more with Vader too. They got it mostly right in Rogue One in terms of screen time. Maybe went a bit overboard with the "choke" pun and hallway scene but worked overall.
It is odd. They introduce (as far as I know) force projection, which is apparently hard enough to do that it kills Luke Skywalker, and then in the next movie they're literally teleporting objects using the force no problem.

It also really bothered me that Force ghost Luke was able to lift the freaking X-wing out of the water. So apparently Force ghosts can now interact and interfere with the real world. Cool. So all the guys that could become Force ghosts (Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin) could have been helping out this whole time and just didn't. Makes perfect sense.
All of this. The more they made the force do bigger and better things and become a spectacle, the less interesting and realistic it became (in the suspending disbelief type of way).

To be honest, this is a problem with a lot of movies in the modern age of easy special effects and 'splosions = box office success. In the "old days", they had to give it substance and weight without flash. This lead to richer story telling over cheap spectacle. Cheap and easy CGI has given us some truly spectacular scenes but on the other side of the coin stripped out a lot of substance. And when directors and creators go for the substance, the critics might rave, but the box office punishes them.
It also really bothered me that Force ghost Luke was able to lift the freaking X-wing out of the water. So apparently Force ghosts can now interact and interfere with the real world. Cool. So all the guys that could become Force ghosts (Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin) could have been helping out this whole time and just didn't. Makes perfect sense.

You don't remember Obi-Wan interacting with the real world in ROTJ?
You don't remember Obi-Wan interacting with the real world in ROTJ?

All he does is sit on a log though, doesn't he?

It's really slight, but he brushes past some tree branches, making them move as he does so.
So slight, i expect most people never even realised.
Sitting on the log is important too, but he brushes past things, so he has physical presence.
It's not a huge leap to being able to force lift.
Not when there's a ghost who can move branches aside. And perhaps, as he *is a ghost*, he was meant to be using the force to move the branches...
Just a thought.
It's really slight, but he brushes past some tree branches, making them move as he does so.
So slight, i expect most people never even realised.
Sitting on the log is important too, but he brushes past things, so he has physical presence.
It's not a huge leap to being able to force lift.
Not when there's a ghost who can move branches aside. And perhaps, as he *is a ghost*, he was meant to be using the force to move the branches...
Just a thought.

Yeah, that couple of branches moving slightly actually looks unintentional because it happens so far away (ie it doesn't seem like it's supposed to be noticed otherwise it would have been more foregrounded,) and also I know that Guinness was in poor health at that time so I assumed they couldn't retake the shot.

But Yoda is also sitting on the railing in the Ewok village ending. To me these things are no more than the fact that "regular" ghosts are generally presented as walking on floors even though it really makes no sense for them to "obey the laws of the physical world." So the OT force ghosts are not much more than what we expect of regular ghosts.

I think what's being discussed above is as if a regular ghost was able to do something with apparent superpowers (like to move extremely heavy objects or destroy something with massive energy blast,) which is different to simply conforming to the laws of the physical world.
Yeah, that couple of branches moving slightly actually looks unintentional because it happens so far away (ie it doesn't seem like it's supposed to be noticed otherwise it would have been more foregrounded,) and also I know that Guinness was in poor health at that time so I assumed they couldn't retake the shot.

But Yoda is also sitting on the railing in the Ewok village ending. To me these things are no more than the fact that "regular" ghosts are generally presented as walking on floors even though it really makes no sense for them to "obey the laws of the physical world." So the OT force ghosts are not much more than what we expect of regular ghosts.

I think what's being discussed above is as if a regular ghost was able to do something with apparent superpowers (like to move extremely heavy objects or destroy something with massive energy blast,) which is different to simply conforming to the laws of the physical world.

I'm sure that was unintentional.

Of course, i am sure it could be argued either way(And for the record, i am not trying to argue this point. Only pointing it out).
We all of us here know the reason Obi Wan brushes the tree branches aside is that:
1: He wasn't actually a ghost. He was an actor on a real set, in frail health, and unable to avoid pushing past the branches,
2: The movie special effects industry(While, at an all time high with ILM in the mix), were probably not up to the task of editing out the moving branches,
So, as ZE_501 says, it's not "on purpose".
But. It's there all the same. So we could each have our own point of view on where it was "Always a thing", or "Has just become a thing"(All down to personal preference). People who like TLJ, and TROS, will see it as further proof of their interpretation, and people who hate the ST, will be able to ignore it as an unintentional flub.
And while i wouldn't say it proves anything definitively(And, like i say, i am merely pointing it out, not taking on stance or another on force ghosts being able to affect the real world), we saw Yoda call down lightning on a tree, and Luke Lift up an X-wing. So it's a thing in the movies, even if a few(Or many) members here don't like the inclusion of new force powers we haven't seen before.
I fall into the camp of "Don't really mind seeing new powers, even far-reaching ones". While it's easy to say: "If it was do-able before, the Jedi would have discovered it", but that could also be said of becoming one with the force. It wasn't a thing till it became a thing.
Back in the day, we all thought that force choking was something only the baddies could do(Because in ANH, while we see Obi-Wan using a mind trick, and sensing the destruction of alderaan, but not using any other force powers, like Vader does), and then in TESB, we see it's an inherent force power and Luke and Yoda use it. The same with the acrobatic stuff Luke does in TESB when he's training(And jumping out of the Carbonite Chamber). Till then, we hadn't seen that done. And the way it's done in TPM, AOTC and ROTS, just shows how great and powerful the Jedi must have been at the height of their power.
Like any other force power, it's all made up anyway.
Can you believe it? If you can, the movies are enjoyable because of some space wizard magic. If it strains your disbelief in a movie where live people can lift spacecraft with their minds, but the faintly represented dead people doing the same takes you out of it... That's your choice. But if you can just "go with it", you'll enjoy it a lot more, lol.
Of course, i am sure it could be argued either way(And for the record, i am not trying to argue this point. Only pointing it out).
We all of us here know the reason Obi Wan brushes the tree branches aside is that:
1: He wasn't actually a ghost. He was an actor on a real set, in frail health, and unable to avoid pushing past the branches,
2: The movie special effects industry(While, at an all time high with ILM in the mix), were probably not up to the task of editing out the moving branches,
So, as ZE_501 says, it's not "on purpose".
But. It's there all the same. So we could each have our own point of view on where it was "Always a thing", or "Has just become a thing"(All down to personal preference). People who like TLJ, and TROS, will see it as further proof of their interpretation, and people who hate the ST, will be able to ignore it as an unintentional flub.
And while i wouldn't say it proves anything definitively(And, like i say, i am merely pointing it out, not taking on stance or another on force ghosts being able to affect the real world), we saw Yoda call down lightning on a tree, and Luke Lift up an X-wing. So it's a thing in the movies, even if a few(Or many) members here don't like the inclusion of new force powers we haven't seen before.
I fall into the camp of "Don't really mind seeing new powers, even far-reaching ones". While it's easy to say: "If it was do-able before, the Jedi would have discovered it", but that could also be said of becoming one with the force. It wasn't a thing till it became a thing.
Back in the day, we all thought that force choking was something only the baddies could do(Because in ANH, while we see Obi-Wan using a mind trick, and sensing the destruction of alderaan, but not using any other force powers, like Vader does), and then in TESB, we see it's an inherent force power and Luke and Yoda use it. The same with the acrobatic stuff Luke does in TESB when he's training(And jumping out of the Carbonite Chamber). Till then, we hadn't seen that done. And the way it's done in TPM, AOTC and ROTS, just shows how great and powerful the Jedi must have been at the height of their power.
Like any other force power, it's all made up anyway.
Can you believe it? If you can, the movies are enjoyable because of some space wizard magic. If it strains your disbelief in a movie where live people can lift spacecraft with their minds, but the faintly represented dead people doing the same takes you out of it... That's your choice. But if you can just "go with it", you'll enjoy it a lot more, lol.

I like this! Thank you for writing.
The Krennic figure thread has been infected with Sequelitis... :monkey4

Rain gear Krennic or Later version Krennic... I'm leaning on rain-gear version but the hard plastic cap may not look great.
The Krennic figure thread has been infected with Sequelitis... :monkey4

Rain gear Krennic or Later version Krennic... I'm leaning on rain-gear version but the hard plastic cap may not look great.

Thanks for cleaning the thread [emoji1360]

Yeah he can look a bit Thunderbirds-esque with the hard cap and Cape.

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It's really slight, but he brushes past some tree branches, making them move as he does so.
So slight, i expect most people never even realised.
Sitting on the log is important too, but he brushes past things, so he has physical presence.
It's not a huge leap to being able to force lift.
Not when there's a ghost who can move branches aside. And perhaps, as he *is a ghost*, he was meant to be using the force to move the branches...
Just a thought.

Sorry but this is absolute nonsense. You are comparing accidentally brushing up against something or simply sitting down to raining down lighting on command from the sky and moving multi ton objects with the force while a ghost.
Sorry but this is absolute nonsense. You are comparing accidentally brushing up against something or simply sitting down to raining down lighting on command from the sky and moving multi ton objects with the force while a ghost.

My thoughts exactly. And the argument that you have to just go with it and accept anything is a little flawed, if only for the fact that it wouldn't leave anything for fans to discuss lol we know it's fantasy nonsense but some consistency would be nice
Thanks for cleaning the thread [emoji1360]

Yeah he can look a bit Thunderbirds-esque with the hard cap and Cape.

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I?m here to put this thread back on schedule.
I didn?t want to ruffle any feathers or upset anyone.
Just talking about SW. I wasn?t arguing any point. Just putting forth ideas. But I?ll not talk about it any more.
And kind of back on topic of Krennic...

Someone please come in a cleanse the homophobic and sexist posts from this thread.

Someone please cleans this whole board....

We have a few guys here they love to talk about this stuff and contaminate threads for years with it.

Makes you wonder what they like to think about all day.

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