Super Freak
Invest in scotch tape and you're all good.
Especially with the Rocky/Rambo figures, scotch tape is a life saver!!! Works great.
Invest in scotch tape and you're all good.
Other than the neck being a tad long, it looks pretty good.
Looks great but Batman's neck is TOO LONG. Just comparing the shoulder to head length between Joker and Bats and it's pretty obvious.
I cannot wait to get this OBVIOUSLEY Best ever Bale Batman at my front door.........Every thing about this fig including the NECK is perfection with a capitol C...................
Talking about the stand, this new stand by HT is just plain crap. Give me medicom's excellent stand anyday.
Great pictures noisetrigger!
So, can the HT cape be traded out for Takara's? If I get an HT Bats my Tak will be displayed as the thug headed Bruce so I won't be using the cape.
Really? I really like the HT stand, and think the Medicom stand is the worst of any company's. Oh well. Good pictures.
You could, but you will need to first removed the cape from the triangle thingy on the suit. Not sure if there is any way of removing it without damaging the suit.
Those triangle thingy are what's pinning the cape to the suit.Based on images, the triangular attachments for the cape are on the HT cape so if you remove that, you lose that, if that'd bother ya as far as appearance, they should have molded them to the cowl like Takara.
As for the figure overall, the suit looks like it retains a nice overall look in dynamic poses.
For those bothered by the bunching or whatever with the suit, watch Begins carefully, some poses Bale does actually do the same with the film suit, which kills the notion that it's made of kevlar and all that, it screams rubber suit, if you pay attention for details like that, casually watching the movie is fine.
I've been checking mine and those triangle thingy feels like it's actually all the way under the suit so it's very unlikely that we can remove it without damaging the suit. As for those on ebay, maybe they really did damaged the suit to remove the kit.I dont' know. I see some detached HT capes on ebay so I'm thinking you can remove it without damage.
I've been checking mine and those triangle thingy feels like it's actually all the way under the suit so it's very unlikely that we can remove it without damaging the suit. As for those on ebay, maybe they really did damaged the suit to remove the kit.