Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Man does it ever freak anyone out the level of detail and likeness accuracy in toys like this?

I wonder if Christian Bale or other actors own their Hot Toys action figures.

If I was Bale I would own one, and sleep with it on my nightpost in a fighting position

Then again, Bale might take his anger on set out on it....
From that angle it looks like it has a neck mod (even though it doesn't). Looks great. Has it had any mods at all or is it straight out the box?
this is what he said about his mod:

Mayor von Poopenpants
yeah, i just cut the top of the neck off, and as for the cape i cut the little triangles free moved further down the chest and glued them down. then just stuffed the tips of the cape under the cowl. anybody having the picture of modified medicom batman original suit TDK serie?? if it up to, i wonder to comparise the ( modified ) medi one with the HT..thx

dun have pic, bt i personallly owned and meddled with both of them before.
u can achieve more pose with medicom and from far he looks screen accurate, bt loses out on the accessories.
ht, only complain i hav is the long long neck.. it just looked weird even though i know its just a toy. bt if there is one original suit u can afford, go for ht. :wink1:
Man does it ever freak anyone out the level of detail and likeness accuracy in toys like this?

I wonder if Christian Bale or other actors own their Hot Toys action figures.

I'm not even sure they know what they are signing.

They should be something in the contract meaning their likeness can be used for all merchindising. I would think they just think it's for lunch boxes t-shirts and a couple of toys. Little to they know Hot Toys are performing some sort of plastic voodoo with them.
Here's a little something I started working on today.
The base is the TDK V1 head which I got in a set with multiple heads. I'm getting bored with my Takara/Bruce first-night-out display, so I thought why not try to make him a new cowl, as I just got my first super sculpey (firm) in today.
Of course it's still a WIP, a lot of details are missing, the edge is simply cut to size at the moment without the correct shape and everything has to be smoothed out at the end.

The biggest downside is that the mouth opening will be incorrect, but I don't think I'll be touching that, as that would mean resculpting and repainting the mouthpiece, which I'm definitely not qualified enough for if I want to keep the HT realism. :monkey1
This is my first time working with sculpey and I don't have any tools yet, did it all by hand so far, hope you enjoy.



Looking good. Not sure if you're aware, but if you're worried about how the paint will go in the oven you can also cure polymer clays in boiling water, which might be a bit gentler on the paint aps.
Man does it ever freak anyone out the level of detail and likeness accuracy in toys like this?

I wonder if Christian Bale or other actors own their Hot Toys action figures.

Something I ve long wondered and would dearly love to know.

Has nt Arnold got a miniature Terminator in his office?

And Im sure I read Di Caprio collects action figures.