Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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303 user here, no issues. Then again, I have been using 303 to preserve rubber/vinyl for years, so it was a natural choice for OC.

You can find it at any good auto detailer or Marine supply shop.

For those that are freaking out and saying that they would never put anything on the OC rubber, more power to you.

:lecture See everyone back here to compare notes in ten years time. Whether mine is in good shape or not, I did my research, and attempted to be proactive about preserving it, in spite of HT's usage of low grade materials. What's funny is that the DC Direct 13" version will end up outlasting them all.

Mark it on your calendar: 2-13-21.
:lecture See everyone back here to compare notes in ten years time. Whether mine is in good shape or not, I did my research, and attempted to be proactive about preserving it, in spite of HT's usage of low grade materials. What's funny is that the DC Direct 13" version will end up outlasting them all.

Mark it on your calendar: 2-13-21.

Surely we have a resident OC (obsessive compulsive) who has bought two of these for the express purpose of testing one with 303 and one without.

I've been doing a bit of reading and everyone from car enthusiasts to photographers swear by the stuff. Its use by photographers to protect their equipment may very well be enough to finally convince me - photographers are up there with the most OC sobs out there, they don't mess around with their kit.
303 user here, no issues.

For now.

Then again, I have been using 303 to preserve rubber/vinyl for years, so it was a natural choice for OC.

You haven't been applying it to your figure for years though. There's all different kinds of rubber materials.

For those that are freaking out and saying that they would never put anything on the OC rubber, more power to you.

Freaking out, No. Overly cautious, Yes. Once you start messing with these lubricants there's no going back. Until you or anyone can see it's had no adverse reactions for 3 - 4 years. I'll keep mine in a non sun facing room.

I've been doing a bit of reading and everyone from car enthusiasts to photographers swear by the stuff. Its use by photographers to protect their equipment may very well be enough to finally convince me - photographers are up there with the most OC sobs out there, they don't mess around with their kit.

Any rubber materials on camera gear and whatnot will be heavy duty stuff. Unlike the rubber on the figure thats quite soft and thin that isn't meant to be handled a lot is another matter.

in spite of HT's usage of low grade materials.

Which comes back to this about overly cautious.
:lecture See everyone back here to compare notes in ten years time. Whether mine is in good shape or not, I did my research, and attempted to be proactive about preserving it, in spite of HT's usage of low grade materials. What's funny is that the DC Direct 13" version will end up outlasting them all.

Mark it on your calendar: 2-13-21.

Best case, ours are still good to go. Worst case, they aren't. This is all speculative, pro and con.

Look, if it is a worst case scenario, I am out an OC that I paid sub-retail on. I have more important things to worry about (my wife, family, etc) and it isn't worth gnashing teeth's a toy. That is why I didn't obsess over the decision to use some 303 on it in the first place.

If you are one of the guys who is nervous about a preservative application, don't do it. Your call.
It must be terrible for those that don't have common sense or logical thinking. So therefor they fall back to the internet images.
Look, if it is a worst case scenario, I am out an OC that I paid sub-retail on. I have more important things to worry about (my wife, family, etc) and it isn't worth gnashing teeth's a toy. That is why I didn't obsess over the decision to use some 303 on it in the first place.

If you are one of the guys who is nervous about a preservative application, don't do it. Your call.

Thats another thing I've noticed in many places. It's all serious at first but when the discussion doesn't go to their liking, it then just becomes a toy and better things in life. So then why did they buy it? :) It's not the first time this conversation has happened in this thread and I'm sure it wont be the last. ;)

If this conversation never happened to begin with, it would have been a revolution to some. When any sort of disagreements happen or challenge it's then demeaning. It's like watching minority groups play. Always moving the goalposts.

I'm gonna just post a bunch of ":rotfl" in his next thread of pics of a rotting Batman.

Usually it goes up for sale or you never hear from those members again. So therefor the majority of people think it was a spectacular success. Maybe that is why too many of the DX02's has been up for sale the past 2 - 4 weeks. Some don't want to admit things went wrong. It's not like this ever happens on this board. ¬_¬
Thats another thing I've noticed in many places. It's all serious at first but when the discussion doesn't go to their liking, it then just becomes a toy and better things in life. So then why did they buy it? :) It's not the first time this conversation has happened in this thread and I'm sure it wont be the last. ;)


As unsettling as it might be for you to hear this, OC Batman is ultimately a disposable item when all is said and done. You need to understand that. It's a toy. A cool toy, I think we can all agree, but a toy nonetheless.

Does it really bother you that much to know that someone can buy something like this and not take it as seriously as you apparently do?

Tell you what...don't do anything to yours outside of aggresively protecting it from the environment like a child with an immune system deficiency. I put some 303 on mine and called it a day. If mine deteriorates at an accelerated rate, I can deal with it. Fair enough?
I've got 25,000 Batman pieces in my collection, and I don't want to lose even one to rot if I can help it. So instead of coating my OC with good wishes, I've applied a protectant that is highly recommended by professionals in the automotive, aerospace, marine, and photography industries. Whether anyone here takes my advise or not is entirely their affair, but the odds are in favor of informed action rather than inaction.

I find it funny that some of you think the OC suit is composed of some Hot Toys super advanced compound made with a special blend of 13 herbs and spices. It's rubber, plain and simple. An organic material that decays just by contact with the air we breathe, however this decay can be exacerbated by heat and UV light.

What fries my donuts is that I've got Captain Action pieces over 40 years old that look as good as the day they were new, and we're wringing our hands over a piece that's not even reached it's third birthday.

I'm done with this debate, see you in 10 years, minus a day.

As unsettling as it might be for you to hear this, OC Batman is ultimately a disposable item when all is said and done. You need to understand that. It's a toy. A cool toy, I think we can all agree, but a toy nonetheless.

Does it really bother you that much to know that someone can buy something like this and not take it as seriously as you apparently do?

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. The serious behaviour isn't about the item, the seriousness or relation to mocking when it suits them for that person. I've lost count how many times something like that has came up with a discussion when things don't go their way. "I have more important things to worry about (my wife, family, etc) and it isn't worth gnashing teeth's a toy." If everybody was holding hands over any of TDK relation that response wouldn't have happened. Thats how the DC board goes sadly.

My gripe is you portray coating the material like it's such a great thing to do and sadly too many people are easily influenced. With no logic whatsoever. So therefor they could be out running to get some that could waste it.

Tell you what...don't do anything to yours outside of aggresively protecting it from the environment like a child with an immune system deficiency. I put some 303 on mine and called it a day. If mine deteriorates at an accelerated rate, I can deal with it. Fair enough?

The most amusing part about this that I've seen countless times doesn't matter if it's a toy, or any type of equipment, a while on they are then beotching what's happened to it from tampering with it.

RJMacReady16 just proved my point from my last post, when some can't agree or can't get their way they resort to name calling and/or cursing.

I find it funny that some of you think the OC suit is composed of some Hot Toys super advanced compound made with a special blend of 13 herbs and spices. It's rubber, plain and simple. An organic material that decays just by contact with the air we breathe, however this decay can be exacerbated by heat and UV light.

Can you answer me this then? is that why the message on the back of the Hot Toys box is totally irrelevant?

Then you just went back on this:

in spite of HT's usage of low grade materials.
Okay, I'll play one last time. Since my OC box is in storage, please illuminate me.

I'm sure that the box will effectively refute what my eyes tell me.

Vodoun, how many decades of collecting experience do you have?
It must be terrible for those that don't have common sense or logical thinking. So therefor they fall back to the internet images.

Directed at me? For posting a picture of a dude being pulled in two directions by a couple of horses? Far out.
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He's just mad that Chris Farley is dead and he's got some low-rent Euro clone as a signature/avatar.

Dude, thats Freddie Starr, a well established british comedian whose had a long career way before Chris Farley was about.

Anywho, not looking to get involved in other people's arguments, just found that to be a pretty dumb statement. Moving on.....
Armoral :lol

That stuff will cause your dash to crack and your tires to dry rott quicker, imagine what it will do to your Batman figure.