Super Freak
I missed the Bruce head cos I stupidly thought I'd already paid, I won't be missing this one.
I'm not enough of a Batman fan to get in on this action and yet I'm kinda p!$$ed off that my stock figures are not the definitive article they used to be. Its making me contemplate selling to be honest. Though I've never sold anything before.
No. Not really. Honestly, likeness of any sculpt is largely subjective to the viewer at best. I think it's fine on it's own. I just think it's uncanny how much room there was to improve on it when you see Adam's sculpt next to it.
In and of itself it is not bad IMO just when side by side I think pwnage can be called.
It is better I must admit. It just surprises me how anyone sees these subtleties which the original sculpts, once thought to be almost beyond reproach, are lacking.
Early on there were customs which just weren't improvements on what HT did. Now though some of this stuff is so unbelievably real, right off the screen looking and I have mixed feelings about it all. I'm not enough of a Batman fan to get in on this action and yet I'm kinda p!$$ed off that my stock figures are not the definitive article they used to be. Its making me contemplate selling to be honest. Though I've never sold anything before.
Definitive to who? If you're happy with your stock Bats, nobody can take that away from you. There are lots of collectors out there that would still love to get their hands on a stock OC Bats, nobody is going to snicker or point because you decided not to switch out the sculpt on yours![]()
No. Not really. Honestly, likeness of any sculpt is largely subjective to the viewer at best. I think it's fine on it's own. I just think it's uncanny how much room there was to improve on it when you see Adam's sculpt next to it.
In and of itself it is not bad IMO just when side by side I think pwnage can be called.
I don't really see it happening with regard to the franchises that I'm particularly into like Terminator. Maybe we're just a far less fussy bunch. There have been custom sculpts alright but as yet none that people are generally toting as superior to the HT ones - as seems to be the norm in the DC section.
Well, the simple reason is because they ARE superior to the HT ones.
When I say they I mean any of Adam's work, BobbyC's work and also monkeyrobotmaster's recent joker heads.
I don't really think there's much doubt that any of these are in fact more accurate likenesses than HT's work on the Joker/other characters
I don't even understand my own feelings on the subject. You'd think with me not being a major Batman obsessive that I'd have no issue with my stock figures as they are. And yet knowing that there are so many improvements, better alternate sculpts and cool custom dioramas out there bugs me when I look at my figures. I want to complain, indeed I kinda am, and yet what right do I have to do so when I'm unwilling to get these custom heads and capes myself etc....and I'm unwilling because....I'm just not a huge batman fan, only casually. This of course leads back to the question - 'so why the ___k amn't I happy with my stock figures??!!' So yeah I'm a bit circular andon this.
A possible answer is that 'casually' just isn't enough to justify having these figures. Perhaps I jumped on a Bandwagon because there wasn't much else I wanted at the time and I wanted something new just for the sake of it. Maybe someone else would be better off with my figures. Of course I say that and then I'll take the Tumbler out of the box and suddenly it'll be "OK, no way I'm selling that". And if you keep the Tumbler it'd be bizarre not to keep a Batman...and if you keep Batman you might aswell keep The Joker etc etc....
Thats an interesting question for the Batman fans actually - whats your most expendable, 'could maybe see it go', HT item.
it was bloody good and didn't need much improvement.
Until I saw Adam's...
Well, the simple reason is because they ARE superior to the HT ones.
When I say they I mean any of Adam's work, BobbyC's work and also monkeyrobotmaster's recent joker heads.
I don't really think there's much doubt that any of these are in fact more accurate likenesses than HT's work on the Joker/other characters
That doesn't make any sense. Either it needed much improvement or it didn't. The existence of another head is an independent event that has no bearing on how good the original head is.
I think the OC Batman head was pretty near enough to perfect. So even if there's a more accurate head, that doesn't mean the OC Batman all of a sudden needs improvement.
It is better I must admit. It just surprises me how anyone sees these subtleties which the original sculpts, once thought to be almost beyond reproach, are lacking.
Early on there were customs which just weren't improvements on what HT did. Now though some of this stuff is so unbelievably real, right off the screen looking and I have mixed feelings about it all. I'm not enough of a Batman fan to get in on this action and yet I'm kinda p!$$ed off that my stock figures are not the definitive article they used to be. Its making me contemplate selling to be honest. Though I've never sold anything before.
It DOES make sense.
On it's own independant self, it did NOT need much improvement because it was a close enough likeness and the overall figure is superb, with a very well done and well proportioned body.
However, once you see the comparison with Adam's you start to see the areas where HT's version was quite inaccurate.
(and it is not marginally better, it is a LOT better because it improves on a number of things which in total make a BIG impact),
Regarding the jokers - The BR Joker sculpt is a very good likeness no doubt. But when you compare one of Adam's or Bobby's heads to it in hand, you can pick out a LOT of areas the BR Joker is inaccurate
Don't worry. You're getting lost in the moment. A small handful of heads made by a single artist will always be better than a mass produced collectible. The artist has the time to refine and perfect it, working on his own time vs. a company which has deadlines to meet. That's also why I think the PWND label is kinda lame, childish and out of place.
But the existence of another version doesn't degrade how good the original is. It might not be as good, but it's still just as good as it was. That's the statement I took issue with.
Dude, are you 4 years old? You seem to throw a temper tantrum any time someone questions a post of yours.
Slapping a "PWND" label on there was absolutely childish and completely unwarranted. Seriously, Adam's head is better, everybody can see that, but I highly doubt it would look as good if he'd adhered to the same time constraints and multiple jobs HT's artists do on the regular basis.
As to your childish remark about me wanting you dragged out and shot, reread the initial post in that thread. If you'd like, I can break it down into small, single-syllable words for you to understand if you still don't get it.
Haytil - I never said that the existence of Adam's head makes the HT OC head crap or degraded.
It is STILL a great head.
Adam's is simply better. Hence, if and when I get Adam's, I will probably off-load the HT version to recoup some of the cost. That doesn't mean I think the HT version is crap.
The only HT heads I would say have been CRAP are the Wayne sculpts, V1 Joker, and the v1 TDK Batman head.
Regarding the BR Joker - same thing, I absolutely agree that the existence of more accurate custom heads doesn't make the BR Head the BR head crap. But I simply have no need for it no longer so I sold mine.