Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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In all seriousness do you feel like people are degrading your collection that you take pride in?

No, I feel perfectly confident in my collection.

I've just noticed a tendency on these forums to suggest that the original figures and sculpts are crap, that customs are orders of magnitude better, and that the originals are so bad that it's just not worth owning if you don't pony up a few hundred dollars for all the extra modifications. Often it's not that explicit, but the attitude is there and it seeps its way into discussions and statements all the time.

More importantly, I notice that the attitude many have is not just the above, but that if you disagree, it's because you're a moron - again, nobody explicitly calls anyone a moron, but the implication is there when they state that the issue isn't really debatable, that they can't possibly imagine anyone being able to disagree (while still making sense), they use cute little :dunno's, and so forth.

Finally, I feel that this tendency has been getting stronger over time.

On the first point, I think they're wrong - the customs are largely either equivalent (different expressions without any superior likeness) or marginally better. In fact, I've seen this tendency grow to a literal blind love of custom headsculpts.

On the second point, I think it makes a lot of other people (who may be less confident in themselves) uncomfortable and question the value of their efforts and collections.

On the third point, I feel that to combat this tendency, someone should be the "voice of reason," so to speak - and often I feel I have to step up, since others don't (or do so in a manner that's a bit more abrasive).

If you love customs and think new heads are great, then good for you. I have no problem with that, it doesn't affect me. I also don't mind you sharing them with us to see your collection grow. I like seeing new Batman stuff.

I just don't like the attitude of "It's so much better and it's not debatable," so if you disagree you are implicitly a moron, which stifles discussion and openness. I also don't like the pressure to "improve" your figure by spending lots of money on marginal improvements.

Yeah, the pressure is subtle (like every time someone posts their new TDK figure, someone's gotta say "You gotta get a cape mod" - it's not forceful, but it's repeated calmly to the point where it's a mantra, and that pressures people). And yeah, it doesn't affect me personally, since I feel confident in my stance and am not affected by the pressure.

But others might not, and I feel that ultimately such pressure hurts the community.

Again - to me most of this is all about personal tastes.

Some people like classic cars and hate new ones. One some levels there is no disputing that newer cars are superior to the old ones hence the reason they change them over time and not only produce the same exact thing year after year.

BUT at the same time that does not diminish the quality of classic cars and in other areas classics are better (to some).

To me both stances can exist - it just depends on what side of the coin you are on.

I hope my explanation above shows you that I pretty much agree with what you said here.

There's room for both - liking the stock stuff and liking the customs. And they can co-exist. I just don't think the customizers should be so quick to marginalize and discount those who don't care enough about the differences to buy custom heads.
Haytil - Awesome. Thanks for expounding. I see where your coming from and I think in the DC section it reached a fevered pitch when BobbyC came out with his head.

I've stated before that it annoys me that anything with a custom becomes this is better than that. His is better than that guys instead of more of an "I personally think..." As you mentioned it does come across that you are stupid if you don't agree at times.

No matter the consensus, people will still have their own opinions and I think those should be respected. It's inevitable that it will happen but it's still annoying when it's presented as the law.

Apparently it didn't come across as well as I had hoped but that's why I said what I did on my pwnd post. I was not implying that the OC is crap. I just like Adams better.

Anywho - thanks again for replying. I in the wrong section? Could have sworn I clicked on DC section...:wink1:

Kinda nice to see every one getting along:1-1:
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I don't even understand my own feelings on the subject. You'd think with me not being a major Batman obsessive that I'd have no issue with my stock figures as they are. And yet knowing that there are so many improvements, better alternate sculpts and cool custom dioramas out there bugs me when I look at my figures. I want to complain, indeed I kinda am, and yet what right do I have to do so when I'm unwilling to get these custom heads and capes myself etc....and I'm unwilling because....I'm just not a huge batman fan, only casually. This of course leads back to the question - 'so why the ___k amn't I happy with my stock figures??!!' So yeah I'm a bit circular and :cuckoo: on this.

A possible answer is that 'casually' just isn't enough to justify having these figures. Perhaps I jumped on a Bandwagon because there wasn't much else I wanted at the time and I wanted something new just for the sake of it. Maybe someone else would be better off with my figures. Of course I say that and then I'll take the Tumbler out of the box and suddenly it'll be "OK, no way I'm selling that". And if you keep the Tumbler it'd be bizarre not to keep a Batman...and if you keep Batman you might aswell keep The Joker etc etc....

Thats an interesting question for the Batman fans actually - whats your most expendable, 'could maybe see it go', HT item.

I think regardless of how much of a fan you are of a particular line, once you have committed to a figure by purchasing and displaying it, part of the joy for the remotely discerning 1/6 collector is knowing that it represents the highest standard of accuracy and engineering for that particular character.

Equally, part of the frustration inherent in collecting are those moments when a) a superior upgrade is released of what is essentially the same figure you have already shelled out for (ie DX Joker, TDK OC Bats, Iron Man MkIV etc) and b) some talented bastard churns out an awesome custom something-or-other.

It doesn't sound like money is a factor in your thinking A-Dev, but the extent to which you are interested in the figure and the line it belongs to - ie you're just not that into Bats to get the so-called 'upgrades', but in not getting them you feel that your stock Bats is a lesser representation of the character.

Me, I'm not enough of a Bats fan, or suitably cashed up, to bother with any other figure than OC Bats. If I had gone ahead and bought a stack of other figures and vehicles anyway, as you have done, I'd be inclined to keep them. When I think about my collection and where it will one day end up, I get goosebumps when I imagine my grandkids or great grandkids rifling through my stuff and digging up some of these beauties. Hopefully the little buggers won't trash the boxes and lose all the switch-out parts.

Edit: For the record, I love my OC Bats stock. Part of my habit is I like to display my figures in original condition. I'm 100% happy with how he stands on the shelf, but if I wasn't I'd either fork out for custom parts or box him. I can't see any point in displaying a figure that doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling when I look at it.
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I don't think Hot Toys needs it's own section, but this thread is a perfect example of why DC needs a customs sub-forum.
Just want to echo void's post in saying I think Haytil and Greg are setting a fine example here by trying to maintain civility. :hi5:

Strong differences of opinion are gonna exist here, but name calling and insults seem to pop up far too often around here. Most of us are adults, and it would be nice if we could collectively act like that more often.
MASSIVE thank you to Adam aka Cocoboloboy for bringing this beauty back into my collection, for an honourably decent price too. :duff

