Super Freak
Yeah this is pretty much what i meant
In all seriousness do you feel like people are degrading your collection that you take pride in?
Again - to me most of this is all about personal tastes.
Some people like classic cars and hate new ones. One some levels there is no disputing that newer cars are superior to the old ones hence the reason they change them over time and not only produce the same exact thing year after year.
BUT at the same time that does not diminish the quality of classic cars and in other areas classics are better (to some).
To me both stances can exist - it just depends on what side of the coin you are on.
Well i'm glad we can all have a civilized discussion!
I don't even understand my own feelings on the subject. You'd think with me not being a major Batman obsessive that I'd have no issue with my stock figures as they are. And yet knowing that there are so many improvements, better alternate sculpts and cool custom dioramas out there bugs me when I look at my figures. I want to complain, indeed I kinda am, and yet what right do I have to do so when I'm unwilling to get these custom heads and capes myself etc....and I'm unwilling because....I'm just not a huge batman fan, only casually. This of course leads back to the question - 'so why the ___k amn't I happy with my stock figures??!!' So yeah I'm a bit circular andon this.
A possible answer is that 'casually' just isn't enough to justify having these figures. Perhaps I jumped on a Bandwagon because there wasn't much else I wanted at the time and I wanted something new just for the sake of it. Maybe someone else would be better off with my figures. Of course I say that and then I'll take the Tumbler out of the box and suddenly it'll be "OK, no way I'm selling that". And if you keep the Tumbler it'd be bizarre not to keep a Batman...and if you keep Batman you might aswell keep The Joker etc etc....
Thats an interesting question for the Batman fans actually - whats your most expendable, 'could maybe see it go', HT item.
I don't think Hot Toys needs it's own section, but this thread is a perfect example of why DC needs a customs sub-forum.
lol what the hell's going on!