Wow, I can understand if you're on a tight budget, getting a whole new figure of this suit could be a tough call, but if it's not, I can't see ever staying with V1, those elbows alone look horrid.
The new one deffinately puts the old one to shame, but once i got the cape and the old head off and put the bale head on, it didn't look as bad to me. Plus this gives me a way to keep the old one somewhat useful so its not just plunked in a box like a big waste of money now that i have the new one.
Did you photoshop or literally remove the eyes and mouth from the old cowl? I'm curious cuz if you really did it, I wonder how it was made that it was fairly easy to do.
Wow, I can understand if you're on a tight budget, getting a whole new figure of this suit could be a tough call, but if it's not, I can't see ever staying with V1, those elbows alone look horrid.
I removed the eyes and mouth and inner head of the old one so its now just a hollow cowl.
I wouldn't call the whole process "easy" by any means it takes some serious prying and heating up to get the blank head out of the cowl head. The construction of the head is basically a blank white head on the neck joint, then the cowl sculpt which is the whole exterior you see face eyes/cowl one piece basically molded over the blank head underneath. Its a very tight fit, i ended up popping the neck joint out and crushing the blank head underneath into a pretty malformed shape just prying it out of the cowl.
Then i just cut the eyes and mouth out, being hollow inside, little trim and painting over the cast fleshtone and its good to go.
I'd only recommend it if you really want an empty cowl and feel like putting in some serious hand cramping effort, the only advice i can give, is have a flat head screwdriver and hot water, heat the head up really well so the outer cowl is soft enough to pry out the inner head.
Here's my one photoshop pic so far.
That pic is indeed awesome. Just like a poster.
I believe the background is a poster. There was a rarely scene poster of Batman from Begins standing in the cave just barely caught in some light. I found it online somewhere once, thought it was really cool but never saw it when the movie came out. It was a great choice for a piece with this figure, I'm guilty of it too, but the old sienna toned images get boring after awhile, Begins oversaturated that look in their marketing.
I know the one you speak of. It's the one I imagined when I made the comment. I use this site for all my posters. It's great for collecting them all in one spot, and a lot of them blow up large enough to print a nice looking 11x17 movie poster with the right paper.
Poster in reference:
I know the one you speak of.
I too know of this one. Hidden it has been.
i have that poster, and the one with him flying bought them off e-bay when BB first came out ..came to find out that their fake! i learned my lesson.. ill never by another poster from e-bay to many liars saying something original..when they in fact print it themselves...
Great photoshop work Maulfan!!
Great photoshop work Maulfan!!