Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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The 89 Batmobile is a piece of art (60's is still better), but the Tumbler is more practicle of a vehicle for Batmans needs.

Absolutely that the Tumbler is more practical, it HAD to be a tank for it to be believable...

You are also correct about the 89 car being a piece of art, it was and still is but because of that it couldn't do anything other than look real cool...which it succeeded at!

It was too long to perform anything realistic other than go

unlike the short and beast of a car that the tumbler is, can actually take turns and the turbine is actually useful in the movies...

Yay 89 Batman though..

Better than Batman and Robin where the car was no longer the Batmobile, it was more like a French Disco...with rotating front twirling disco light ball...
I thought about the monorail when I was watching TDK. It was totally absent.

No, it's in there. Only one shot.

It's in the scene with the exterior establishing shot of the new Wayne Enterprises HQ and you hear Lau's pitch to the WE board. Look on the left side of the screen. The monorail is peeking out amidst the buildings. Took me until my 8th viewing to catch that.

Plus, the shots of Bruce on the motorcycle and in the Lamborghini...isn't he driving beneath the monorail tracks?


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Very nice indeed, I can't resist with the last one having the tips of the stand showing.

"Bumblebee tuna, bumblebee tuna...your balls are showing...bumblebee tuna.."
Sorry vodoun, wasn't trying to say something wasn't right with the image, just love Ace Ventura and that line sprung to mind.
amen, thanks to the artistic qualities of Burton...

IF nolan would work together with someone like Burton for the artistic sides of his (batman)movies, it would be..perfect? :)

If nolan would work together with someone like Burton for the artistic sides of his (batman)movies, it would be..perfect? :)[/QUOTE]

I don't ever want to see a Gothic looking Gotham ever again.

It was well done in 89 and that should be the end of that.

I'll take my Batman with a realistic looking city any day of the week. Even the monorail didn't bother me. I'll admit that you tend to forget it's Gotham and keep thinking that it's Chicago. That's ok with me and makes it seem even more realistic.

Too bad Batman can't leave Gotham and pursue crime in other known cities.

What, the crime bosses are relegated to Gotham? I think not. He went to Kong Kong so why not San Fran, Manhattan or Tampa. Doesn't always have to be Gotham.

We already had our Burton influenced Nolan in BB, it was called the "Narrows".

No thanks, there was a reason why the "Narrows" was never even brought up in TDK. Actually, did anyone else think bizarre that not even the "League of Shadows, their scheme and their actions were never brought up?!? An entire train system was destroyed yet nothing was mentioned.

Anyways, while I agree with MaulFan that a little of his roof top mystique was absent in TDK (only eluded too in the beginning with the thugs running scared when the signal was lit), overall i'll still take a based on "reality" Batman vs any attempt at another Gothic, fantasy one.

In the beginning when he jumps his car into the garage, well done and powerful and that was also part of his mysterious darkness, I wish they would've had more of that.

Anyways, please, no old looking vehicles or studio looking city streets in a Batman movie ever again.

Nolan is good all by himself.....
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No, it's in there. Only one shot.

It's in the scene with the exterior establishing shot of the new Wayne Enterprises HQ and you hear Lau's pitch to the WE board. Look on the left side of the screen. The monorail is peeking out amidst the buildings. Took me until my 8th viewing to catch that.

Plus, the shots of Bruce on the motorcycle and in the Lamborghini...isn't he driving beneath the monorail tracks?

Good catch......
Outstanding man! I love that last one too. I love the way the lighting hits this, when you see how black the cape is as if it was solid black. Yet the suit it like gun metal grey. So striking.