Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Medicom's DK Batman is still the most accurate looking figure I have seen yet. Is it a superior figure? I doubt it could beat Hot Toys in quality, but they surely raised the bar with their DK Batman. We shall see once we see the production pics.
So i've been going over the figure and one of the things annoying me being the batarangs tend to fall out or just seem out of place. I've been looking at alot of reference and never in the film does he actually have batarangs on his belt in that way. He has the batarangs in the clip like the figure on the table when he picks them up to gear up before going out to save the city in the end, but they are never on the belt. Instead he has another pouch where the batarangs are, so using the v1 belt for parts:


After i put the pouch on the belt instead of the batarangs i wanted to keep them on there somewhere but none of the prop reference pictures i could find had it on the belt, so i just found the best spot i coud, i pulled on of hte capsules off the back right and put it in between the capsul and pouch there and put the batarangs in that open area. THey actually fit a little better and dont get pushed on by the capsules since the belt is anlged more there.

So everythings on there more correctly and it fit better.
I can't wait to get my new head, the more I do work with mine and the more I see everyone else's with the straight ears, the more I get bothered by my curved one.
Good job pointing that out Vincent, I hope SithLord gave that to them, if not that's some ^^^^ed up ^^^^ stealing work like that.
This thread has me so close to ordering the figure, but I had a couple of questions for the owners if they wouldn't mind answering.

1. How noticeable is the longer neck on the figure? This is the only thing that really bugs me.

2. I've never owned a 1/6 collectible, so how durable is this? How long does it keep?

3. I like the poses you guys have in your pictures, but will it stay steady in a more dynamic pose?

Sorry if I'm coming off like a complete retard or noob here guys, but any help would be appreciated!
This thread has me so close to ordering the figure, but I had a couple of questions for the owners if they wouldn't mind answering.

1. How noticeable is the longer neck on the figure? This is the only thing that really bugs me.

2. I've never owned a 1/6 collectible, so how durable is this? How long does it keep?

3. I like the poses you guys have in your pictures, but will it stay steady in a more dynamic pose?

Sorry if I'm coming off like a complete retard or noob here guys, but any help would be appreciated!

Not a problem, all very valid questions.

1. The neck issue isn't one in person. Because of the dramatic difference between the cowl and suit materials against the cape, it plays with your eyes a bit, but the physical neck isn't too long or anything like that.

2. That's hard to say. It's a thinner rubber than some other figures out their using the same type of design. Given the right care and environmental conditions, it ought to last quite some time, but there's always a chance of spots maybe not coming off production as thick and giving out or whatever. It's really a gamble buying figures like this, with rubber, ^^^^ can happen more so than a standard figure. If you like the figure enough, to me, it's worth taking the chance.

3. This question sort of has bearing on question 2. Can it hold dynamic poses, yes, the body is tight and the rubber is soft and flexible. However, for shelf display purposes, I wouldn't suggest anything too dynamic as long term flexing of the suit could lead to problems. It's versatile for photos and can still pose fairly dynamicly for your shelf, but you'll want to observe what your pose choice does to the rubber suit and make sure it's not stretching it much or anything because over time, that tension could cause tears and things.
Hey Maulfan thanks for the feedback.

I guess the main concern for me then is how it compares to a statue. i just don't want to feel like I'm buying a figure that's only going to look the way it is for a certain amount of time.

And as for the pose, I'd want to keep it something like this.

Hey Maulfan thanks for the feedback.

I guess the main concern for me then is how it compares to a statue. i just don't want to feel like I'm buying a figure that's only going to look the way it is for a certain amount of time.

And as for the pose, I'd want to keep it something like this.

I think you'd be fine with a pose like that, maybe lower the elevated arm a bit, but otherwise I don't see any problems. It's visually interesting but doesn't push the figure to a breaking point.
Well I am officially convinced then! Thanks a lot Maulfan, diving into the 1/6 collectible world is a bit difficult for me so it helps to have some input.

I was gonna order this from toys2 (only place I could find it), but does anyone know where to find it for a bit cheaper? The shipping is killing me on toys 2 price.
Wish I could help you on the buying end, I got mine from Toys2 but I got Joker in the same order and it defrayed the shipping cost getting 2 things, but I've had good customer relations with them so I stick with them unless I can get something from Sideshow most of the time, cheaper price is great, but customer support if something goes wrong is worth the extra to me.
Sweet, those pictures are actually on razor´s edge now.

Actually, that image on Razor's Edge came first and were recomposed from banners I made weeks ago just for kicks. I sent three versions to RE's owner with the site's logo added to them in case he wanted to use them. I've worked with him on other things through my Reviewer/Graphic Designer position at

So no thievery going on there. Those were made specifically for Razor's Edge. :D