Not really what I'd call technique, more blind luck.. But here goes:
The head is molded in the flesh colour, all I actually did was paint the face a paler flesh tone, avoiding the eyes, the paint I used covered the 'tache and sideburns in one coat. Then I added darker tones to the creases of the face, and dry brushed the flesh areas about four times.
For the eyes I carefully painted over the brown of the iris with a pale blue mix (I tried to do two really thin concentric circles in the eyes one shade lighter than the other, but the outer darker circle doesn't really show up very well).
The hair and eyebrows are just a light brown wood colour, painted over then drybrushed with the same colour about six times. I got impatient towards the end and added a small amount of yellow and white to the brown paint and drybrushed the hair and eybrows a couple more times.
I didn't want to get into the painting of the entire body, so I chose a flesh tone for the head that kind of matched but was not as ridiculously orange as the original.
I'm pretty happy with the way it came out given my limited skills, it looks good in hand and in the right light, but under close scrutiny still looks a bit 'dolly'.
Cool man, thanks and it really is a huge improvement. Still I
think I'm going to have to keep an eye out for a spare head. Getting twitchy just thinking about it! Def needs to be done though...