I was set on keeping TPM Maul as my only representation of the character. A good ways into Clone Wars now and I've already pre-ordered the Solo version.
I'm tempted by the Solo version but feel like I'd rather have a (potential) CW version.
Looks great, Matrix!
Is that the stock cloak or a custom? That looks killer!
I picked up the DX16. Don't want the speeder for the price, its very cool but simply not worth the price although as with the emperor's throne its great hot toys keep adding such options for those that want them, they certainly add a little extra
Both items cost about $100ish, and I try to put it in perspective. If you never buy any additional accessories or parts for figures, then I would understand not wanting to spend the money. But I spend $10-15 on shirts, more guns for Punisher, and other little accessories/props for figures. So my thinking is; is the Emperor's Throne worth 10 little guns or accessories? Absolutely to me lol.
You can get an OK 1:1 chair for $100.
You can get an OK 1:1 chair for $100.
I opted to glue 10 little guns into a throne shape. My Emperor sits on that.