I might try and raise up/lengthen the neck a tad.The bulky layers of clothing don't help matters and makes it appear even shorter..
I'd highly recommend it, it really makes the likeness come out IMO, and elevates this from a good to great piece.
I might try and raise up/lengthen the neck a tad.The bulky layers of clothing don't help matters and makes it appear even shorter..
I might try and raise up/lengthen the neck a tad.The bulky layers of clothing don't help matters and makes it appear even shorter...
View attachment 487600View attachment 487599View attachment 487601
Get some 2mm or 3mm magnets to put in between the head and neck. Easiest way to raise it up and definitely helps.
Do you have pics of yours with this super simple mod? I wanna see how good it looks.
Left with magnets, middle without. Sorry the head wasn't straight up in the first pic. I used two 8x2mm magnets I got off Amazon.
how do you put the speeder on the base? the hole is meant for the pole with threads on it, the transparent pole doesnt fit and wobbles
Great mods, Matrix. Proportions are looking proper
That really looks greta. I'm fairly shocked after seeing how good that looks that people haven't really removed the fat suit before on this after all the hullabaloo with the fat suit on Jedi Luke. I think I will try that sometime!
With your amazing mod, you ruined default figure for me. It was superb til now.