Hot Toys - Iron Man 2 - 1/6th scale Black Widow Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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Got one, special edition. Didn't even notice a collector edition. Can I still order one of those or is it too late?
I had three devices and a total of four sessions and got between 800 and 1500 in line. iPhone hit first and had no issues checking out for the Special Edition. Closed the other windows, so for those who are concerned about being back in line a bit, I'm guessing there are a lot of us out there who will close down 4-5 queue places when we get one. Also, I think they did the separate link to limit bots... Glad I got the text and was able to get the link to my other devices in time...
Yea, the texts have been coming in at the right time for me. I don't get the emails until a couple minutes after the the time has already started.

As far as how many are in the queue, I agree with you. The number is only high b/c multiple ppl are on multiple devices at one time trying to secure one. That's the way it always is with these limited editions that have a queue system attached to them. Though, I can't lie-being number 1k+ is never a good feeling with these things, so I was happy to be below that this time :lol

more than I thought. The site says 4000 of the 'special edition' 1 per person, and 2000 of the 'collector edition'. So 6K total.
Makes sense that they would make more of her given that it was said years ago that Black Widow was one of, if not, the highest seller for HT, even over Iron Man which is crazy if you believe it.
The website crashed literally as I pressed the 'place older' button but it looks like my order went through. I haven't received a confirmation email but it shows up in my orders on Sideshow's website.

The website also crashed when I applied my reward points. And their stupid queue kicked me out to the home page instead of taking me directly to the black widow page, so I thought I had missed it already.
Didn’t work. This product cannot be sold to the country (AU).

Oh well. Time to pay a premium from a reseller.

Just secure an order now with any address. Then look for a freight forwarder or something and change it to that by the time it ships.
Got one (special edition). What an ordeal! My laptop timed out while it was placing the order, but I got a confirmation e-mail on my phone right before that. I thought I screwed up by first putting it on a payment plan and then applying my measly amount of rewards as both took FOREVER, but it apparently worked out in the end.
Is it somewhat random who gets to PO first based on the order they get into line for the queue?

The queue I got into 2-minutes before the PO went live was actually quicker than the other queue I entered several minutes prior.

  • SSC Text Queue (about 10 minutes before the PO went live) - could not get into PO until about 10:10am (on my phone).

  • YT Community Link Queue (9:58am) - secured my PO a few seconds after the figure went live at 10am (on my laptop).
That was not easy for me but I got her.

Started on 3 devices with 3699 being the lowest. Then I got the message redirecting me to the website but it ended up bringing me to Sideshow's main page.
The other devices got the timed out screen and when I went back into the other devices, it gave me a new number to wait.
I was able to hit the back button on my 1st device (my desktop) to get her ordered but each step took a long time.

So glad when I finally got the confirmation.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-29 um 19.34.28.png
Sheesh! That crap is nerve racking! At least I was able to snag one, but man do I hate the way they do this. InArt should follow up and make the same figure, but offer it for a limited time (a few days), and show Howard how these things should be done. That would be hilarious!
Got her horrible experience. Took forever to calculate and then timed out. Unbelievably was able to get through by having a Kindle open with the Silk browser while Google crashed. A *&^%$ Kindle.😡

Was freaking out so much ended up with Special and Artisan because on the Kindle wasn't sure what was in the cart and JUST WANTED TO CHECK OUT WITHOUT CRASHING.🤬

I'll have to think about what I want to do - keep/cancel/sell one. Not sure. Not gonna think about it now.😱😱😱

And when you finally get in, not being directed immediately to the BW page but a "general page" is *&^% 🤬

On a more positive note, it'll be awesome having Artisans of my two favorite MCU ladies - SW and BW. Hope she has nice red lips like the proto - not bein' weird but on Scar Jo I like a bit more makeup, she has a face that can carry the look. Just hope I don't have to go through this for a TWS version.:eek::eek::eek:
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