Hot Toys - Iron Man 2 - 1/6th scale Black Widow Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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Are people putting this in their cart and walking away? Again, I'm not going to order this but this doesn't bode well for when it's something I do want. Like the Brown Wolvie; which I didn't get 'cause it was in someone's cart.
Dunno. At least for me, she was in a cart, took forever to get through checkout steps, then at the last step got a "timeout" and a page crash. So yeah maybe it's in folks carts and they get shafted because the system doesn't have enough space to let people check out in time.
I’m starting to see online …people saying they passed on her…perhaps this is why the odds where better of getting this one because people know there will be other Widows down the pike.

I wish WW was this simple..I can’t even find WW for under $800 right now :angryfist:
Hang in there. HT will be releasing a 2.0 to their BvS Wonder Woman and is more than likely going to be artisan with moving eyes as well. No need over spend on the WB100 version
I think a simple fix for that is something they have already done. I'm not sure why they keep changing this whole system around each time. For a few of the other Artisan, you would go to a secondary queue once you clicked checkout.
Hang in there. HT will be releasing a 2.0 to their BvS Wonder Woman and is more than likely going to be artisan with moving eyes as well. No need over spend on the WB100 version
Oh trust me…I’m hoping they do another Artisan WW ….with rolling eyeballs and I don’t care what version it is …BvS , WW , JL hell even 1984
Oh trust me…I’m hoping they do another Artisan WW ….with rolling eyeballs and I don’t care what version it is …BvS , WW , JL hell even 1984
It’ll be BvS. They’re redoing the line to compete with InArt. Superman is rumored to be next with Wonder Woman capping it off. No word/rumors on of any others of her beyond that.
OK, I attempted to order this and I got that error message or whatever is going on with our site about the item being in someone else’s cart even for the regular so it was not meant to be. And I’m ok with that bye bye sideshow.
Dunno. At least for me, she was in a cart, took forever to get through checkout steps, then at the last step got a "timeout" and a page crash. So yeah maybe it's in folks carts and they get shafted because the system doesn't have enough space to let people check out in time.
With Wolverine it was in my cart and when I clicked to purchase, it then just indicated I couldn't order due to being in someone else's cart. I didn't even bother to user reward point or cards. It took less than two seconds. It should have told someone else it was in my cart. :ROFLMAO:
Hang in there. HT will be releasing a 2.0 to their BvS Wonder Woman and is more than likely going to be artisan with moving eyes as well. No need over spend on the WB100 version

We have a good source on HT doing another Gadot WW?
We have a good source on HT doing another Gadot WW?
Yes, one of our forum members knows the sculptors HT is using on the BvS 2.0 line. He gave us this info at around this time last year if I remember correctly well before the two BvS Batman 2.0s showed up. We also know InArt will be making their version down the road as well. All just a matter of time before we see her pop up again from either company.
Are people putting this in their cart and walking away? Again, I'm not going to order this but this doesn't bode well for when it's something I do want. Like the Brown Wolvie; which I didn't get 'cause it was in someone's cart.
Yea, this happened to me with Brown Suit Wolverine as well. I didn’t want it as bad as this; so no big loss for me. That said, it still sucked that no matter what, I couldn’t even add him to my cart.
So… is her hair glued on? Not rooted?
Correct. Rooted is the general term most ppl use, but it is actually glued on. Rooted is usually punched like with silicone sculpts. Or, oddly enough, technically the barbie hair no one likes is actually rooted since they're punched in small clumps/sections into the skull cap. But, rooted is the term for higher end implanted/glued on hair.
Waitlisted both versions…I’m surprised it took 4 hours
I'm optimistic about getting the other releases over the next couple days. If the edition sizes are similar or the time to order is around the same most people should get what they want. Some won't but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make :lol
I couldn’t get one… do you think will be released a next batch for preorder?