Hot Toys - Iron Man 2: Black Widow

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ok the pictures are not that great but basically i tried what i did before again but this time i rolled the hair towards the face and on some parts towards the crown.
this method worked out pretty well
still looking for a way to carefully get rid of the frizz though.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Got this lady at home waiting for me to open and display. At my girlfriends right now so the latest I can get pictures up will be Monday/Tuesday night! I'll show you guys my shot at the hair and pose!
finally got Black Widow in, straight out of the box without any changes.....:clap:clap


Has this figure been released in the U.S. anywhwere, yet? It's been more than a month since the initial HK release.
Just purchased BW from reputable seller for $153 shipped on Ebay. Only about $7 more than my preorder. Pm for links.:yess:
Got my SS notice on this and it will be processed Oct. 1. Not sure if I'm gonna keep her. I want too, but a lot coming in the next couple of months. How easy will this be to pick up later do you think?
Very easy. $100 easy.

Pretty much every HT female has eventually hit that price or lower. T-1000 Sarah Connor is a special case.

And honestly, this figure shouldn't have been any more than $115.
Very easy. $100 easy.

Pretty much every HT female has eventually hit that price or lower. T-1000 Sarah Connor is a special case.

And honestly, this figure shouldn't have been any more than $115.
you guys think that Biehl's figure will go down in price, too?
There's always a chance to a get figure cheap via clearances, sales, ebay auctions, and whatnot. The only question is really are you willing to wait and take a chance, or do you want it guaranteed.
Just got her a yesterday! I am really happy, she looks great! Her booty bothers me more than her hair...
I'm waiting to get her for $90... :lol

It will happen... if not I shall be content with Abigail.