Hot Toys - Iron Man 2: Black Widow

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I just bought her, I'm determined I can fix her hair (i'm a lady, so it's in my blood) and make her a bad ass figure!! :lol woo hoo!! :D
You can probably do a little surgery "transplate" by taking off the sculpted hair from another female headsculpt, cutting off BW's hair, and gluing the sculpted hair on the bald BW head. Oh and paint it red if it needs to. I would do that if the hair bothers me, but honestly I kind of like it the way it is..
You can probably do a little surgery "transplate" by taking off the sculpted hair from another female headsculpt, cutting off BW's hair, and gluing the sculpted hair on the bald BW head. Oh and paint it red if it needs to. I would do that if the hair bothers me, but honestly I kind of like it the way it is..

been considering doing EXACTLY that with the Abigale whistler figure.
The worked out a way to do it with Abagail Whistler.

Her hair is a lot shorter.

BW's hair is too long... you would need really flexible material and the hair would have to flare out a bit (like Abigail's hair)... which would look ugly at that length.
Meh, not an issue for me.

and with REAL hair, after about 6months to a year, the Doll hiar is going to get all frizzy and look awful anyways. so no matter what, We loose :(
First let me preface by saying that I don't "collect" in hopes of increased value of my collectibles.
That being said, It was written somewhere in this thread that B.W. will not go up in price? I beg to differ, especially knowing that a B.W. movie is now in the works -to soon follow the Avengers release.
Scarlett is hot enough to carry a well written action flick. Elektra was a horrible film and J.Garner is not in the same league as S.J.

Leave those big, saggy t*ts alone!
If a BW movie really does get released, then it'd be possible for Hot Toys to release another version (yay!), perhaps with improvements or additional accessories.
if anybody would like a brand spanking new black widow head then i have one on my ebay with nobody bidding on it.
i bought a second one thinking i was going to do a secretary looking black widow but changed my mind.
First let me preface by saying that I don't "collect" in hopes of increased value of my collectibles.
That being said, It was written somewhere in this thread that B.W. will not go up in price? I beg to differ, especially knowing that a B.W. movie is now in the works -to soon follow the Avengers release.
Scarlett is hot enough to carry a well written action flick. Elektra was a horrible film and J.Garner is not in the same league as S.J.

Leave those big, saggy t*ts alone!

A little off topic, but honestly, Marvel keeps saying they want to do a stand alone movie one after another, sometimes I wonder if they can really pull them off, or if it's all talk. I've heard them talk about a stand alone movie for Deadpool, Giantman and Wasp, Dr. Strange, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, Nick Fury, and now Black Widow... and that's in addition to the Spiderman reboot, Avengers, Wolverine 2, possible FF reboot and DareDevil reboot. Imagine walking into a theater in the next few years, half the time your gonna see some Marvel stuff is showing.. Is all of that really gonna happen?
The ankle pegs (ball joints) of TTF ... ... There's still some surprise after all.... Should you choose to remove the peg, it's very doable
Top: old TTF (on Sarah Connor & Abigail W.)
Bottom: new TTF (on BW and Jill)

The old lower legs of TTF are ABS plastic.... (You'll have to spilt the leg to get the peg out).
The new TTF's lower leg is composed on PVC like material, the peg is glued to the end, some prying/bending will get it out.
I thought I would post some pics of my BW. Liking her very much, I really think photos don't do her justice, sculpt is awesome. :thud:
