Hot Toys - Iron Man 2: Black Widow

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Like many HT figures- once you open it in person you will be impressed! Black Widow is soooo much better in person than alot of these photos show..she is so lifelike and the hair even looks lifelike in front of you...
No, with a Standard Female truetype ( not the BW one) you'll need to mod her leg. not sure on how t do that, to be honest with you. you'd be much better off just buying a BW body, and selling the TTF you've got to help pay for her.

Thanks as always.
I do plan eventually to get the official Black Widow body. Due to money and wanting to get more and more I am holding of as BW is still complete in a way.

From what I have been able to find out - The BW body's legs end in a ball, can I assume the boot is basically a socket for it ?.
If so I should be OK with just putting a TTF leg without a foot in it for balance.
Yes, EXCEPT her boots are EXTREMELY soft rubber, to allow for PErfect articulation. without the ball in the boot peg, i doubt she will be able to stand up. she'll just fall over.
here's my black widow




Thanks as always.
I do plan eventually to get the official Black Widow body. Due to money and wanting to get more and more I am holding of as BW is still complete in a way.

From what I have been able to find out - The BW body's legs end in a ball, can I assume the boot is basically a socket for it ?.
If so I should be OK with just putting a TTF leg without a foot in it for balance.

Yes, EXCEPT her boots are EXTREMELY soft rubber, to allow for PErfect articulation. without the ball in the boot peg, i doubt she will be able to stand up. she'll just fall over.

Top: peg of Sarah Connor/Abigail
Bottom: peg of BW/Jill V.

You can scavenge any foot peg from CG... TTL... BBi ... trim/file it (to fit the hole on the TTF leg) and reverse insert it in to "normal" TTF foot, super glue it (or not).... and essentially you'll get a Abigail Whistler body with different arms.

These (below) ball sockets are the same size...
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Has anyone glued the inserts that are in the "twins", to the hard plastic body? If so, how did it work as far as negating the crease?
I know that the "twins" had pegs, at one time, that attached the insert to the chest. I thought that I saw a post that addressed this, but I have a bad case of CRS. :lol
Thanks for the info and pics bandito. Just need to find them on ebay now. I was thinking on trying to blu tac (hope its the same in the USA) her legs in.
But ultimately if all goes to plan I want to get her in a low pose and have MK IV and War Machine right behind her.
Been looking for pictures to see in anyone has done a low pose but everyone has her in the basic stances.
NOt sure if this was posted before, but saw this custom over at onesixthwarrior, posted by madA


I think the costume is nicely done, and allows black widow to do all sorts of poses. The black costume looks nice as well
NOt sure if this was posted before, but saw this custom over at onesixthwarrior, posted by madA


I think the costume is nicely done, and allows black widow to do all sorts of poses. The black costume looks nice as well

The last one on the right is amazing. It looks soooooooo realistic.
She looks much better in that custom.

Is this body the same shape in the hips as the newest Caucasian TT that Hot Toys released this year?