Here's more pictures of my figure : a front and back for ya' Biest , remember I took this tonight and with the flash you can see the paint job on her costume, in person you can't tell at all. And to respond to agentofchaos73, I completley understand how you feel, I mean this figure is pretty freakin expensive,but I got mine for my birthday so I didn't pay a any $ for it so I was willing to give it a try because i wasn't happy with my scarlett having Aunt May boobs haha! But it really wasn't hard , just TAKE YOUR TIME. Pretend your getting that sticker crap off of a cd or blay ray movie nice and easy , within 20 minutes they'll be out , roll up some silly putty put them in it's place and Va Va Voom - you got a new figure that you can zip the zipper down instead of not being able to because there down to her knees - haha!