Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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My way of displaying both heads:


I don't know how to feel about's like some dastardly villain has taken the Mark IV, beheaded Tony Stark, stuck his head on a fat pole, and is now warning others bellow to stay away or it could happen to them :(
@Maglor: where did you get the display shelf from? I saw some similar things on ebay ages ago but forgot to mark where they were from and haven't been able to find them again since :(
I don't know how to feel about's like some dastardly villain has taken the Mark IV, beheaded Tony Stark, stuck his head on a fat pole, and is now warning others bellow to stay away or it could happen to them :(


i bet he is pointing at Whiplash :rotfl
I don't know how to feel about's like some dastardly villain has taken the Mark IV, beheaded Tony Stark, stuck his head on a fat pole, and is now warning others bellow to stay away or it could happen to them :(


@Maglor: where did you get the display shelf from? I saw some similar things on ebay ages ago but forgot to mark where they were from and haven't been able to find them again since :(

Search here for "Cocoboloboy". ;)
Hi everyone!!

I posted like a month ago here saying that I had an issue with my Mark IV helmet (the front paint of the faceplate melted, doing a fading line very creepy) and requested some help to contact with HT to a possible replacement.

Well, I'm here to give my positive feedback to HT customer service! They were very kindly and solved my problem! I sent the defective piece first and then they send me a new one!:yess:

Thanks for everybody who helped me! :wave
Good to hear about another success story with Hot Toys. :clap
I just ordered a couple of those display stands also. I tried to get the Don Cheadle head stay on it and it wouldn't. I had to keep the rubber coated wires in and bend them together to grip the inside of the sculpt. Works, but doesn't look as nice as what you have there with the TS sculpt not using the wire.
Very cool.
Thanks for sharing. :hi5:


I just ordered a couple of those display stands also. I tried to get the Don Cheadle head stay on it and it wouldn't. I had to keep the rubber coated wires in and bend them together to grip the inside of the sculpt. Works, but doesn't look as nice as what you have there with the TS sculpt not using the wire.

I would think you could use poster putty or something to make it work without the wires. :dunno
i just got this figure recently, and i accidentally left the hand lights on with the fist hands. today i went to swap the hands for the movable fingers hands and i saw the lights were on but really dim. what do i do to fix it...change the battery? buy new leds?
thanks, are these the right kind:
Don't know, but you can test to see if it's the battery first. . .just in case. . .by switching out batteries from elsewhere in the figure. Then, the battery may well have a product number on it that you could use to cross-reference with all the little watch batteries out there.
Don't know, but you can test to see if it's the battery first. . .just in case. . .by switching out batteries from elsewhere in the figure. Then, the battery may well have a product number on it that you could use to cross-reference with all the little watch batteries out there.

I'm betting that it's the batteries, not the connection. The batteries that Hot Toys includes are JUNK.
i just got this figure recently, and i accidentally left the hand lights on with the fist hands. today i went to swap the hands for the movable fingers hands and i saw the lights were on but really dim. what do i do to fix it...change the battery? buy new leds?

I have the same problem. I'm sure it's the batteries. My right hand is dim. Don't know where the batteries go. :dunno
So if anyone is in the mood to do a good deed, could you do me a huge favor? Break out a tape measure and let me know what the dimensions of the Mk. IV box are.

I'll have a "Secret Project" waiting for me at SDCC and I want to know if I squeeze this sucker into my carry-on luggage. I travel light so... :monkey1

Whattayasay? Help a 'Boot out? :cool:
So if anyone is in the mood to do a good deed, could you do me a huge favor? Break out a tape measure and let me know what the dimensions of the Mk. IV box are.

I'll have a "Secret Project" waiting for me at SDCC and I want to know if I squeeze this sucker into my carry-on luggage. I travel light so... :monkey1

Whattayasay? Help a 'Boot out? :cool:

if its the same box as the iv, it will be the same dimensions as whiplash, black widow, vi and warmachine. have any of those?