Re: Possible Iron Whiplash?
Be nice if anyone can translate:
someone pmed me asking me to translate this.
ok first of all this picture is super blurry and small and its really hard to make out some of the words.
But from what I can see this article says nothing really interesting so you are going to be disappointed. Top left says something about hall of armor, I think it talks about what features it has (fake holograms or something). The red box basically talks about how hot toys keeps making iron man (LOL). it says something about tony stark in race driver suit and battle damage war machine, but they are not implying that hot toys is planning on making those.
I have a hard time making out what the tiny words in the middle are saying. SOmething about how the Battle damage VII has never been made, and now it is used to promote iron man 3 so it is going to be very popular. something something(people who invest in figures for profits?) and south Asian fans did something, and real devoted fans are something something, maybe they are talking about how hard it is for fans to get it due to scalpers, dunno.
bottom right says that hot toys quality should improve due to their competitors. It also talks about the life size iron man event in hong kong and also a new store or something called secret base. basically unimportant if you are not in hong kong.
bottom left is the only part that actually talks about whiplash, it says that "regardless of whether whiplash is made in diecast, it will probably be well received" this does not imply that it will be diecast, it's just something the magazine guy wrote.