Hot Toys-MMS 133-Ghost Rider Limited Edition Collectible Figurine with Bike Set

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Thanks for the answer, he looks good, I would wanna keep mine in just the black t shirt, unless find a super sweet leather jacket.
The only gripe I have about the figure is his "hell fire" shotgun, it seem pretty cheap looking compared to the normal one.
Yeah, I took a quick look at the two, and immediately dismissed the crappy "hell" shotgun, posing him instead with the regular version. I'm pretty sure that the hell version is just one molded, relatively flimsy piece. The regular shotgun is quite nice--what you would typically expect from Hot Toys.

One other nit--he's only got two pairs of hands. Fists and trigger hands. No hands made just for holding the handles on the bike, and no "relaxed" hands.
Some Great Pics in this thread guys !!!!!

Brother, you won't regret it, trust me. This is one of those figures, regardless of a crappy movie or whether you followed the comics (I hated the movie and never followed the books) that EVERY toy/ figure collector NEEDS. Simply amazing!

Couple of issues with mine, the light for the head is dim. I'm going to replace those batteries and make sure it's not a malfunction.

Second, I wish they would have included some kind of kickstand for both sides of the bike.

That's it....everything else rocks!

I have to say my entire game room smells like guys know that smell!

Also, I kind of did this pee shutter thing when I first lit up the bike. Epic. :lol

Here are some of my pics so far. I can't finish them just yet because of the light in the head issue.




Love the saddle of the bike!





Quoted for awsomeness :clap

I knew your pics would weaken my resolve.............. must...........stay.........strong :horror

Did you get your issues with the fig sorted bro???

Mines holding the hell shotgun right now but I might switch it out to the other as I do like it better. Just kind of like the look holdin a shotgun.
Besides the Josh does not mind the teasing. He private messaged me on Facebook the other day how he wants to be BBFs and that when he's around women he thinks about me, and I then realized we have something in common. I too think of myself around women, but not only women, but all the time.

Seriously, I can not wait to get this figure and the bike! I'm going to display GR on his bike with the Nicholas head under the front wheel of the bike. :rock
After taking off my GR head I noticed the red fiery neck piece has left a small smear on the inside of GR jaw, i guess from me posing his head. Its bothering me but i can only see it if i take off his head so its cool...i guess. Ive also lost some paint on the tip of the bottom tail pipe that touchs the surface i have it on which sucks. That kickstand SUCKS.