I'm telling you, this will be the Mark I of the Iron Man 2 line. People are worried about the Mark IV or the VI or even War Machine but this one will be the one that will go for hundreds over MSRP once everything is said and done.
Pretty cool. What 1:6 scale car have they put the suitcase in on that first scan? Looks like he has the expandable waist like the Mark IV/VI for articulation, but doesn't look like it does him much good.
Bless you, kind sir. I wonder we we never saw high-resolution digital files of the Mark VI feature; instead all that ever surfaced were a couple not-so-hot scans.
Come on guys, tell me that the kids don't really need that college fund. Right, they can do it on their own. Besides daddy needs his HT fix. I'm thinking HT could make 2011 a very expensive year.
Geil, you crazoid You'd want to have some good magic to circumvent this action.
"What is not acceptable in a post?
This board is intended for adult collectors but the profanity filter is on. Please keep the discussion at a PG-13 level, this goes for Off-Topic as well. If you try to circumvent the language filter your post will be deleted or edited. Ignoring this rule will need to banning."
You might want to excercise your right to use the delete capabilities of the editing function.
Also, you might want to back track on some of your posts, because either you or someone else has been casting non-compliant spells.
Please note, anyone avoiding the language filter will get a few nice infractions which will lead to banning (that's if not banned immediately ), all wrapped in a big bow.
I'm telling you, this will be the Mark I of the Iron Man 2 line. People are worried about the Mark IV or the VI or even War Machine but this one will be the one that will go for hundreds over MSRP once everything is said and done.