The Jerker
Super Freak
I don't know if it's the paint job but it looks to have too much texture in that pic. Almost like acne scars.
This is the "space tracker" head on the Force Toys Stormtrooper body.Thanks for the info everyone. Would be interested to see what 'space tracker' looks like on a stormtrooper body.
Anyone get a Han with stuck right arm? Im afraid it's going to break if I force it to bend. Hairdryer or what?
That's funny i just finally opened and displayed mine literally an hour ago and i thought for a minute they put a solid right arm on it! I just held the right bicep and forearm and slowly gave it a little force and it moved fine its still very stiff but bends fine and holds it place extremely well now. Just be careful and you should be good i think.
Nope. Mine just has a wobbly waist joint.
Wow. Thanks that worked. I thought it was glued.
I decided to mod my jnix new esb Han with hot toys hair and apoxie sculpt. I didn't care for the hair sculpt on the new esb Han and since I don't have any esb clothing I tried to give him anh look. I do have anh unpainted sculpt which is better imo to the esb sculpt. Though both are light years better than any other sculpt out there. This will hold me over until I can get my anh painted after which I'll probably end up selling this one. I did notice a couple things while doing the mod. The change jnix made to the esb sculpt by slimming it down is really apparent when the hair is dremmeled off. This one is a bit more slimmer and elongated as opposed to anh's more round look. I think jnix anh Han's sculpt is more faithful to fords likeness imo. I wish he kept the sculpt the same and just redid the hair for the esb han. It's still a stellar sculpt though with amazing paint apps.
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