Damn, that looks good. Maybe I need a few more stands.They come off so you can do this if you want. But I don't know how someone would get that many Vader stands. These are the stormtrooper ones.
Damn, that looks good. Maybe I need a few more stands.They come off so you can do this if you want. But I don't know how someone would get that many Vader stands. These are the stormtrooper ones.
Stock it's alright. I would recommend it since it probably has the best vader head sculpt that you can find, but it certainly has its flaws. The belt for example is not very durable since it's made out of faux leather so futzing around with it may tend to damage it. The articulation is nice, but the suit hinders it from moving. It is best to pose it with arms down to avoid stretching. I left mine with its fist in the air and it stretch the sleeve.Hi i wanted to ask to the ones that own the figure if you recomend it
I hace seen a kit of reviews and pictures but i cant decide.i perfer the empire strikes back vader but the sideshow one is old so what do you say? Worth it?
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ToyanxietyWhat's the name of the website that sells parts?
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Still no word on shipping from SSC?
Thanks for the advice.but i think i'll Wait till hot toys do an empire strikes back version.i dont know how you do but for me is idéntical i really dont se much of a diferente with the movie.
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They just shipped my flex pay but it's still on pre order.
Fantastic figure!
View attachment 252303
That'd be a great shot if it didn't have the surrounding clutter.