I prefer the cut of the v.1 cape. To my eyes it hangs better on the shoulder armor.
How does the original SS Deluxe cape stack up? That had a nice weight and hang to it.
The v.2 SS RotJ cape is much nicer in just about every way than the v.1 .
How is it compared to HT capes?
Yeah, from what I've seen all the capes lay on the floor anyway... I guess its a matter of how much you want on the floor.
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Hey gang, what's the best way to fix my ANH tunic? It flares out to the sides way too much. I tried plating with the wire but no luck. What happens if I pull the wire out entirely? Any ideas?
Hey gang, what's the best way to fix my ANH tunic? It flares out to the sides way too much. I tried playing with the wire but no luck. What happens if I pull the wire out entirely? Any ideas?
Can anyone tell me if the new chest box is a completely different piece than the last two. I own the ANH and RO versions and this one does look a tad different than the RO version....unless my eyes are deceiving me.
Hey gang, what's the best way to fix my ANH tunic? It flares out to the sides way too much. I tried playing with the wire but no luck. What happens if I pull the wire out entirely? Any ideas?
You need to weight it down. Do you have any small metal bits, like little ball Barings? Pennies will show, you need something with weight but very small.
Most everyone removed the wire on the v1 tunic as I recall. I did too. I don't think it helped much, but the wire could be causing your excessive flaring.
Should be the same as the RO chest box but with 4 silver studs, one on each of the straps.
This or use a coin.
Both the cape and tunic are dual layered. You can put a slit anywhere in the inside layer and drop the coins in.I think a penny would fall flat faced and look odd. Plus you got to make a big hole on the side to get it in.
Both the cape and tunic are dual layered.
So what was the deal between the two chest boxes again?
The correct overall size is the R1/v2 box but the dials on it are too small which make them look too spaced out, while the overall size of the v1 chest box is too small but the dials are the correct size?
McHaley Art: I love how you are using the Sideshow body suit too. I tried it once, and forget what my problem with it was: too tight or something, but damn that pic(s) of yours looks like a still from the movie. Remind me: is that the v1 Hot toys vader body or another one? Sideshow was great one on some things back then. Kept their versions of the ANH han solo weapons.
Yeah, wasn't the large R1 was more accurate size wise? Not too sure. On this, I go by my eyes. I prefer v1 too
So what was the deal between the two chest boxes again?
The correct overall size is the R1/v2 box but the dials on it are too small which make them look too spaced out, while the overall size of the v1 chest box is too small but the dials are the correct size?
I personally prefer the v1 chest box myself as to my eye, that one looks more accurate.