Super Freak
Can someone explain the two lightsabers he comes with?
I wonder when this will get to the States? I hate having to upgrade my Jedi Luke, but after seeing Justin's review on it, it's a must now.
The Hero version, the one with the copper neck and blinking arrows, is actually only on screen once during ROTJ, and it was in a scene filmed with a Vader stand in. The "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber" scene. But for all promo material and pictures, it's the saber that's shown.
The Stunt (V2) is the saber used almost the entire film by Luke. If you look at the saber when it's resting on the Emperor's throne, you can easily see it's different from the hero. If you do a Luke V2 saber image search there are a lot of good images of it
Man . . . I shouldn't have watched Justin's review. SERIOUSLY considering selling my V1 now and picking this up. Beating a dead horse but I would've rather waited a couple years for them to just make this one definitive version.
Anyone notice that the tunic is longer on V2? That alone with the slim body is compelling me to bend over and buy this figure again.
My final flex payment has now been changed to December 25.
Mine arrived in Australia today!!!
Alas the misses is here!
do I dare get my dolly out?������
Mine just shipped from Hong Kong! I’m gonna have to remember Toys Wonderland in the future.