Super Freak
Looks like I am going to get charged for this on Monday instead of Wednesday.
Looks like I am going to get charged for this on Monday instead of Wednesday.
I cant rember who’s video it was but some one mentiones it in a review that you cant take it off. I remember thinking why did they do that .I've heard mention that the front chest armor piece is not removable to show the inner detail like the XLVI, is it true?
I've heard mention that the front chest armor piece is not removable to show the inner detail like the XLVI, is it true?
I cant rember who’s video it was but some one mentiones it in a review that you cant take it off. I remember thinking why did they do that .
I cant remeber who’s video it was but some one mentioned it in a review that you cant take it off. I remember thinking why did they do that .
Yes, it not removable. Maybe because the damaged chest piece is not included like in the mk46.
That's the incentive I needed to choose between mk 46 and mk 47.
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Shipped. Cannot wait for this.
I think the 42/43 and 46/47 will look pretty cool together.
I wonder when the 6 will be released.
Edit - from other reviews it looks like the chest plate can be removed, as well as the back flaps.
You won’t be dissapointed, it’s as simple as this is the best Iron Man figure ever produced by HT, including Quarter scale figures, I have had many of them and I can assure you that.
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Everytime a new iron man is dropped we get the "this is the best iron man ever produced" chants...lol
This is a nice figure, best ever produced?...cmon now...
HI just checking are you saying the 47 is the best figure ? If so that is very interesting would you mind sharing your reason's .
I am very curious . I think I will get the 47 I have the 46 . I am just saving now last figure purchase killed my figure savings (Yip I save to buy figures)
Before mark 47, mark 46’s release was the most impressive.
47 just adds to the awesomeness, the glasses make for a bolder Tony Stark sculpt, and totally improve the likeness. You might say, it’s only a pair of glasses, but still those details are what makes HT figures shine.
Tony’s sculpt has the eyes looking to one side, that looks better than the “dead eye stare” of the mark 46. Also, in hand I prefer a lot more 47’s color scheme.
Those little details really enhance the figure overall.
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And the Mark XLVII has been shipped. I should get this on Friday.