I just meant a reissue to coincide with the release of FFH movie. Not sure what you're saying about going backwards in suite design (not being condescending). No way mark47 will stay at $900+. I'm betting once 50 is released and the 85 is announced things will regulate. Ironman is hot toys bread and butter no way they stop producing figures. They could easily cash in on a rerelease of the 46 and 47. Why not? All the hard work has been done. They're doing it with the hulkbuster and 43.
I was thinking backwards as the suit he would be using in FFH is the MK47 not the MK50 or something newer. I understand (i think, it's been a loooong day at work) but unless that suit is in it for some reason i'm not sure why they would.
I did not know it was going for that much

. if i was in it for the $$$ i would sell mine but it's for fun so on the shelf it will stay. I agree prices on all of these will eventually come down. I have plenty of figures that after they sold out went for double or triple retail price but now are selling under retail.
Something newer and shiner always comes along and people forget about it the older stuff.
There are a lot of things they could rerelease that would be easy money. Off the top of my head there are several IM figures, War Machine MK1 and Mk3, Yondu, Homecoming Spiderman, DX11, Avengers 1 Loki, SS Batman, AOU Cap, etc. There is just so much everyone wants they can't rerelease everything due to limited resources. Eventually they will come out with anniversary editions, concept art editions, updated 2.0 or 3.0 on a lot of stuff but it will be later than sooner for this one i would think.