I mean c'mon, midichlorian's are lifeforms that live inside people and tell the jedi how to use the force? That not only sounds stupid but it ruins the whole mysterious nature of the force itself.
I mean c'mon, midichlorian's are lifeforms that live inside people and tell the jedi how to use the force? That not only sounds stupid but it ruins the whole mysterious nature of the force itself.
While I hate TPM (and all prequel movies nearly equally) QGJ is one of my favorite SW characters. What sealed it for me was his talk of following the will of the "living force" and that pivotal moment when he quietly meditates as he waits for the power curtains between himself and Maul to drop. Loved that. I owned the SS QGJ figure briefly but was so underwhelmed I sold it shortly after buying. I've been on the fence about this since the release of the images but am probably pulling the trigger. Thankfully I don't see this reminding me so much of TPM as it will a great character and actor. This will be my first HT SW figure. Glad they went back for this one. And while others have posted a desire for a more active looking expression I find it portrays the character's calmness shown throughout the movie. I would have liked a closed eye sculpt just to recreate the meditation moment.
George wanted to dig deeply into this, as well as the explanation for The Force in his original ideas for his own Sequels. Instead, SW got sold to the Mouse and we've gotten current abominations.
They weren’t fun to make anymore. The toxic fanbase killed it for him.Well then, he m should have made those films instead of selling iff his property to”The mouse”.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
QGJ is definitely one of the only bright spots of TPM.
QGJ is definitely one of the only bright spots of TPM.
Thanks, men!
I think had Qui-Gon lived, he would have discovered a lot sooner that Palps was the sith master.
No, the other QGJ.
I wonder if he regrets it now. Even though I don't care much for TPM and AOTC, I'd watch them any day over Disney's nonsense. I've always liked ROTS though, and rank it in my top 3 SW films.
I always felt Lucas showed what the Jedi should have been with Qui Gon, and Luke would have followed his example in the ST as a call back.
But no we ended up with TLJ.
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Qui-Gon's explanation to Anakin was "a microscopic lifeform that resides within all living cells" and Obi-Wan's first explanation to Luke about the Force was "it's an energy field created by all living things." I wouldn't get so hung up on it, though. When Anakin's blood sample comes back with a higher Midi-chlorian count than Yoda's, Obi-Wan asks "What does that mean?" and Qui-Gon says "I don't know." The Midi-chlorians and their relationship to the Force are still a mystery, even to them. It becomes a lost science. By Episode IV, nobody outside of a couple living beings even believe or remember the Jedi or the Force were real. By Episode VII, Luke Skywalker is a myth.I mean c'mon, midichlorian's are lifeforms that live inside people and tell the jedi how to use the force? That not only sounds stupid but it ruins the whole mysterious nature of the force itself.