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Super Freak
What earlier line? The T2 T-800, T2 Sarah Connor & T-1000 all use the correct font that's in the movie. Also the earlier HT lines like the Endoskeleton got the font correct.
For some it may be a minor issue. I just don't like seeing a different font used on these. It kinda gives me a knock-off feeling seeing a wrong font used.
MMS02 uses it and I'm pretty sure T1-endo also had it. BD-endo was from T2 or was it the other way around?
Anyway an earlier T1-dvd, UK-release used that exact same logo. So, I'm pretty sure that in someway it's an official logo. Just cant find the picture...
Seen here (the logo):
and if you look closely here, you might be able to see the logo on the earlier stands:
Pretty sure the logo is in someway official or the licencor would intervene.