Hot Toys - MMS136 - The Terminator: 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure (T1)

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Yeah, you might have miss-understanded me a bit there. I wasn't defending the fact of a figure with no likeness. Just pointing out the fact, that some actors dont want to give up their likeness for any number of $.
I have no interest of buying Reese what so ever... with likeness or not.

Well I stand corrected, maybe with a likeness, for a Sheriff Hague custom :rotfl
How much money did it cost Hot Toys to develop the Arnold body?
How much does it cost them to make more bodies?
How much to have the sculptors sit and sculpt the 2 Arnold sculpts?
How much to paint the sculpts?
How much did it cost to sculpt mold and cast the weapons?
How much did it cost to do a new T1 battle damage arm?
How much does it cost to make the box art, pay for the licenses, and manufacture the boxes?
How much is the upkeep to maintain their website?
How much to advertise this product?

The body was developed for the T2 Arnold, so $0 more. The new battle damaged arm < T2 battle damaged arm. And everything else except two sculpts, like I previously stated, they paid for on any figure released.:slap So, tell me again why it's more than the T2, with one perfect sculpt and better clothes.
From the newsletter:

Hot Toys newsletter said:
Many fans have awaited this classic character for long! Now, we are more than happy to let you know – he'll be back!

Featuring the image of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie, this classic T800 collectible from The Terminator movie highlights his newly sculpted head, together with the left eye damaged head for fans to revisit the battle scene in the movie!

In view of the popularity of the T800 collectible figure from the Terminator 2 movie, this T800 collectible from the first episode also uses the same muscular body which stands out his forcefulness in his casual wear!

The bloody damaged right forearm is also equipped so that he can handle surgery for himself with his medical accessories!

Needless to mention are the detailed weapons including the long slide pistol and guns!

Couldn't have said it better :rock
yea think ill go ahead and PO @ AE,,glad i didnt bite and PO Berserker or Falconer,,,
How come SSC cant offer this 10% discount as the other places do?,
The body was developed for the T2 Arnold, so $0 more. The new battle damaged arm < T2 battle damaged arm. And everything else except two sculpts, like I previously stated, they paid for on any figure released.:slap So, tell me again why it's more than the T2, with one perfect sculpt and better clothes.

It's more because it is THE TERMINATOR. Get over it. Buy it or don't. And be ready for a Police Shootout version that'll be the same price. Don't have a heart attack.

**EDIT** Almost forgot :nana: :1-1:
Why is this releasing so soon? Before Expendables figure. Royce, Ghost Rider, Hans Landa and T800 all gonna hit at the same time. :gah: They really force you to choose.
which is the more iconic piece, this T-800 or the police shootout? if you had to choose only one to represent the movie for your collection?
Why is this releasing so soon? Before Expendables figure. Royce, Ghost Rider, Hans Landa and T800 all gonna hit at the same time. :gah: They really force you to choose.

This is an excellent point. Glad I didn't preorder any of those but T1 Arnie.