Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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The belt area on the fig is way too wide giving him a fatter look. Definately need to gray up the webbing and make the symbol bigger as well as slightly darker than the webbing. Red and blues needs to be toned down.

Yep, there is still a lot of work!!
The real oversight of the figure is the lack of a screen printed muscular texture that the use has... with is doable!

See the darkening of the suit's textile about the abs?

In the special features the costume designer speaks about how they did it.
I think that would go a long, long way in curbing the "man in pajamas" look he's got going. Significantly minimizing the grey webbing would help make it look classier as well; if it can't be made thinner due to 1:6 scale, it could at least be darker. Making the spider on his chest more accurate and reflective would also raise the quality of the figure considerably.

To me, in the close-ups this figure's costume reminds me of shoddy costume Parker made when he started out wrestling, and that's not a good thing.
whats with the "its a crappy fig and I dont like it, but Im still gonna buy it anyways" attitude with this particular thread? :dunno

I mean yeah, it does have its minor flaws, but so do the P1 (shorter), wolvie (not having enough jackman likeness), blade (not having enough snipes likeness), joker dx (wrong lining color on jacket) and etc. But these figure still do extremely well and command a premium price now.
For me, it is because this is Spiderman, and like with Wolvie, HT is giving us the best available version of this iconic character in this scale, so that's what I'm gonna get until something better comes along. I suspect that others feel the same, which explains the popularity of, say, HT Wolverine.

Like some others have said, I usually don't like to nit-pick, but in the case of this figure I think the issues really affect the whole of the figure in pretty substantial ways. I can look past a slightly off likeness on Blade, for instance, because when you step back and take a look at him (particularly with shades on), that is an amazing take on Blade that overshadows the quibbles folks might have. Same with Predator. But with Spidey, I don't find myself feeling that way, because I personally think the issues have too much of a negative impact on the figure as a whole. My first impression seeing that close-up of his face was revulsion. I'm liking him a bit more now, particularly with the more distanced pics, but he needs work for me to be able to say--"that is the the definitive Spiderman in my collection." Maybe Hot Toys can't do much, but some minor revisions would go a long way. For instance. . .

This minor change makes a huge difference, IMO, and makes the figure much much better. The web lines, as they are, lack the subtlety that made the gray lines on the movie version tolerable, IMO. Yes, you notice the gray webbing on the movie version, but it isn't in your face like it is with this figure. Do this and give him cloth boots, and I'll be very satisfied.

I love it! :clap!!
I'm out of here until more info is available... all the whining is really sad...
For shame. MJ wouldn't be satisfied with a sub-par Spidey.
Plastic booties

Why didn't they just treat the lower legs and ankles exactly the same as they did the forearms and wrists? Fabric all the way to the wrist/ankle with an exposed joint?
Even if they didn't change a thing then I'd still buy it from the way it looks now. Only disappointment is the lack of a Peter Parker sculpt. Unless the final product is an all in one suit then there is no reason for them not to include one.
So what's every one's gripe with the boots? Is there worry that they will limit articulation? They look screen accurate to me. :dunno
The look solid and plastic, like Medicom's. Spidey is, by his nature, a character you want to be able to pose in all kinds of funky positions. Plus, they stand out from the rest of his outfit. Makes him look like he dressed up in some nice pajamas then wore some painted-up shrimp boots over his feet.
Wow the photoshops started sooner than I expected. Its a bit underwhelming and I hate the silver weblines for this version BUT overall it does look pretty good and if the price really is $135 then I'm in.

I'm assuming no Tobey sculpt because Marvel doesn't want it out with Garfield's project running but either way it doesn't really matter because I probably wouldn't have shown it off that way. I hate that the piece of the building isn't built into the stand like the Iron Man enviropieces.
Watch when superman come's out people will gripe and complain that superman's curl doesnt look like it has grease on it. They'll find somthing lol.
I guess after all these years people still don't get the:
"Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different"
caption on every HT preview... :rolleyes2

Sometimes they are worse though....praying for the better. :pray:
The look solid and plastic, like Medicom's. Spidey is, by his nature, a character you want to be able to pose in all kinds of funky positions. Plus, they stand out from the rest of his outfit. Makes him look like he dressed up in some nice pajamas then wore some painted-up shrimp boots over his feet.

Meh.... They need to be rubber like Batman's. I think that would solve any issues. Not sure I'm seeing how they stand out though. You girls are just knit picking.:panic:

The planned release date of 2nd/3rd qtr makes me think there will be more than a few adjustments made before it's all said and done... Someone start a petition! :lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMOnly complaintis the handS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

Only complaint is hands and boots but neither turn me off enough to consider not purchasing. Been mentioned before most figures have inaccuracies, IMO looks more amazing than flawed. Easy purchase.