Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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The look solid and plastic, like Medicom's. Spidey is, by his nature, a character you want to be able to pose in all kinds of funky positions. Plus, they stand out from the rest of his outfit. Makes him look like he dressed up in some nice pajamas then wore some painted-up shrimp boots over his feet.

:goodpost::exactly: ..he is spiderman he needs to be able to bend his feet!:lol:dunno
I guess after all these years people still don't get the:
"Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different"
caption on every HT preview... :rolleyes2

And I guess after all these years poeple still don't get that, for the most part, it is our collective brainstorming, nit-picking, feedback and griping that often makes HT revise their products and give us better pieces at production.
I guess after all these years people still don't get the:
"Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different"
caption on every HT preview... :rolleyes2
And I guess after all these years you don't get that Hot Toys releases these prototypes, in part, to find out what people don't like about them so that they can make adjustments before the final release. :dunno

And Flosi, ____ the rubber suits. Forever.
And I guess after all these years poeple still don't get that, for the most part, it is our collective brainstorming, nit-picking, feedback and griping that often makes HT revise their products and give us better pieces at production.

:exactly: ..Most of the changes between proto and final product come form us complaining:lol.
And I guess after all these years poeple still don't get that, for the most part, it is our collective brainstorming, nit-picking, feedback and griping that often makes HT revise their products and give us better pieces at production.

i agree. i don't think HT would change much if people didn't give their negative opinions on their initial pics. no company thesedays is that altruistic. if people didn't hate, they wouldn't change ____.
And I guess after all these years you don't get that Hot Toys releases these prototypes, in part, to find out what people don't like about them so that they can make adjustments before the final release. :dunno

And Flosi, ____ the rubber suits. Forever.

The more I think of it the more I can see why the boots would piss people off... Still, I'm buying this.

Has anyone seen any prices? This would seem low end judging by the accessories... I'll be pissed if he's 165 due to some lame chunk of rock.
..Most of the changes between proto and final product come form us complaining.


You guys need to refocus your rose colored specs. HT changes nothing based on board complaints, nevermind the complaints on a US board that is dedicated to Sideshow products. Any changes that occur usually are already in process through their R&D department. Maybe from major Asian boards I could see thinking they spur change but if Sideshow doesn't listen to us on the closest thing to an official board that they have to change items, products and policy why would Hot Toys? Do they check the boards? Probably but just to get initial reactions most likely to help with deciding on whether to continue the line from various sources and even that is stretching it.

This is what you'll get, a few tweaks here and there but if you aren't happy with this then you won't be happy with the production piece.
Has anyone seen any prices? This would seem low end judging by the accessories... I'll be pissed if he's 165 due to some lame chunk of rock.

Speculation from a mag clip on the first couple of pages to be around $140 range. Along with black Spidey and Venom :clap
Toys2 should have him up today or tomorrow if they follow historic suit so we'll see the gauge there.
Credit to Kira Sami at Facebook:




Like I said in a previous thread, I WANT to like this but there's something weird about it. I like how the head works (fabric mask looks great) but it just seems off to me.

Not to mention those ____ing webs on the suit tearing, coming off, lack of glue, etc.

I don't know. Plus it has the Spider-Man 3 logo on it. I wish it was Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 merchandise/licensing. This figure just doesn't feel legit to me.

You guys need to refocus your rose colored specs. HT changes nothing based on board complaints, nevermind the complaints on a US board that is dedicated to Sideshow products. Any changes that occur usually are already in process through their R&D department. Maybe from major Asian boards I could see thinking they spur change but if Sideshow doesn't listen to us on the closest thing to an official board that they have to change items, products and policy why would Hot Toys? Do they check the boards? Probably but just to get initial reactions most likely to help with deciding on whether to continue the line from various sources and even that is stretching it.

This is what you'll get, a few tweaks here and there but if you aren't happy with this then you won't be happy with the production piece.
While I don't think HT uses toy forums as the exclusive determinant of what changes they make from prototype to release, there has been a clear correlation between complaints occurring in the English language world (most recently for the Predator robot falcon) and changes to releases. I don't know if Asian collectors were making these same complaints or not, but complaints from collectors they were. You don't know any better than anyone else what their actual process is, but I suspect the input of fans plays a definite role, and is a part of why in-progress prototypes are released before the final product is decided on.

You guys need to refocus your rose colored specs. HT changes nothing based on board complaints, nevermind the complaints on a US board that is dedicated to Sideshow products. Any changes that occur usually are already in process through their R&D department. Maybe from major Asian boards I could see thinking they spur change but if Sideshow doesn't listen to us on the closest thing to an official board that they have to change items, products and policy why would Hot Toys? Do they check the boards? Probably but just to get initial reactions most likely to help with deciding on whether to continue the line from various sources and even that is stretching it.

This is what you'll get, a few tweaks here and there but if you aren't happy with this then you won't be happy with the production piece.

Have to side with Mike on this one. There are some amazing collectors on this site. People that have such a great eye for details and knowledge of films and character histories. There are even some brilliant customizers that can do things that rival or even exceed what the companies are producing. But I believe that HT has some of the greatest people working for them and have some of the best research available to them at the time of creation. I feel that if HT is making a choice whether we like it or not there is a reason. If they are making his boots plastic it is by choice not because they didn’t know better. I’m not saying the choice is in the best interest of the collector but I know it is a choice anyway. Could be a fiscal choice or a production limitation. The only people that know are HT's designers.
I’m sorry but I don’t believe that they care what is being discussed on our board here. That doesn’t mean I think people should stop. Just don’t think that it’s going to force change. But hey I could be wrong and probably am.
a lot of the complaints on here (whether they read this board or not, and i remember reading somewhere that they do loosely monitor the larger english-speaking boards) end up on their facebook page, where they're directly communicating with customers.

and HT have a MUCH better track record than sideshow for responding to consumer opinion. they've changed a few things in the past based entirely on fan disappointment. sideshow hardly ever does.
I will say Sideshow added a second head for FireFly after pages and pages of complaints.


oh fair enough... didn't know about that. that'll learn me to make sweeping generalisations!

but it does go to show that complaining isn't always fruitless whining. in this case a lot of people are just a little underwhelmed with the general aesthetic of the fig. it's when people complain about the colour of nostril hair and small things like that that it's going too far. and i think spidey is one people have been looking forward to for a LONG time.
I think Hot Toys openly acknowledged there and in some other instances, "based on collector feedback, we have decided to do X, Y, and Z."

Sideshow, yeah, they usually don't give a ____. Firefly head may have been an exception, but I recall their saying that the potential issues of mass producing a head with that paint job was part of why they held off on it.

(edit: I should of course qualify this by saying that Sideshow's customer support after the purchase blows HT's out of the water)