Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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If I could, I would line up the same whiners and moaners who go from thread to thread like a bunch of locusts, and personally round house their heads Chuck Norris style. No joke. Proper irritating :)

You don't know any better than anyone else what their actual process is, but I suspect the input of fans plays a definite role, and is a part of why in-progress prototypes are released before the final product is decided on.

Well I do know this. Master Replicas back in their heyday used to have someone in charge of just being on forums and taking their input, responding to questions, etc. This person also stated that while they do take criticisms to heart that a lot of the changes or non changes have to do with licensor inputs. Meaning they may have wanted to put the Falcon in but were waiting on the okay from the licensor. They do weird stuff, Marvel for example once approving something it would take hell and highwater to get them to accept a revision, that is why a lot of the SM3 stuff was so different from company to company because once approved they didn't want to budge. I was actually able to talk to the MR/Corgi Marvel license rep and get that from the horse's mouth. MR also stated that boards no matter how large for them made up only 3% of the buying force, Sideshow said something to a similar point before.

While I don't know exactly how it goes here, I will say that I am confident that things aren't that far from the mark in terms of HT or Sideshow in comparison to MR back then. Things they want to change they aren't allowed to, things that they don't want to change they are forced to and it all falls in the approval process.

Saying due to fan's input is a nice way to do PR and get people to think they are part of the process therefore feeling more connected and wanting to purchase the actual piece because it gives them the warm and fuzzys but I still think its a PR stunt and nothing more. Just my two pennies.
Some of you guys are just hard to please.

HT basically came out and did what we wished Medicom should have done back then and now there are still people complaining and saying this is an average figure from HT? Come on!!!

For the price they are selling at, HT basically gave us the best possible Spidey in this scale. It's super possible, comes with lots of hands, multiple webbings, and heck, even a clock tower base.

Just yesterday they were a bunch of you guys saying how you rather not have a TM sculpt cause you all prefer an as seamless as possible transition from body to head and HT gave us exactly that.

And now I hear people complaining about not getting a Tobey Sculpt? If they give us a Tobey sculpt, you guys will be complaining how the neck isn't seamless. Jeez...

I am really happy with how it turns out, the boots are not a problem for me (the Medi boots are similar and to me it's the only part done right in that figure) and I will buy at least two.

It's will be my holy grail, a screen accurate Spidey and it will be out around my birthday. Couldn't ask for a better gift.

:exactly: you just saved me from typing all of what I thought.
$133 is a definite purchase for me, its amazingly low in terms of HT quality and means I'll probably get the black (which is my favorite, blasphemy I know) as well.
Saying due to fan's input is a nice way to do PR and get people to think they are part of the process therefore feeling more connected and wanting to purchase the actual piece because it gives them the warm and fuzzys but I still think its a PR stunt and nothing more. Just my two pennies.
Well, if you say Hot Toys are liars then that's your prerogative. I wouldn't blame them if they did ignore the customers, but they do appear to listen in some instances.

And though I do understand the licensing and rights issues are big hurdles, I don't think forcing HT to make something look less like the source material makes much sense.
$133 is a definite purchase for me, its amazingly low in terms of HT quality and means I'll probably get the black (which is my favorite, blasphemy I know) as well.

No, not blasphemy. I don't really like Spider-Man 3 or the way they went about the symbiote but the black suit kicks ass. I love the design. It's too bad Parker wasn't an angry bad ass underneath instead of a weird emo kid.

I love all the Spider-Man suits in all three films, even his first makeshift wrestling outfit.
And though I do understand the licensing and rights issues are big hurdles, I don't think forcing HT to make something look less like the source material makes much sense.

It happens. Looks at the MR Church statue. MR went with it off of a teaser poster mixed with conceptuals. From what they got only the webbing was raised off of the costuming and the rest smooth like the symbiote. I saw the renders stamped approved. The final piece looked great only it wasn't accurate at all especially considering the costume was just like the red/blue only black. On theirs there is no texture at all on the piece:


I was there and asked the specific question, now that you know its wrong why don't you fix it? I was told they had appealed to Marvel licensing three times with the answer "Go with what was approved" each time.

The same went for their 1:1 masks which were maroon and grey because that was what was on the conceptuals approved even though finally they were red/black. They never released those and it turned out to be the best since they didn't sit right and looked awkward on the stands themselves.
And I guess after all these years poeple still don't get that, for the most part, it is our collective brainstorming, nit-picking, feedback and griping that often makes HT revise their products and give us better pieces at production.

And I guess after all these years you don't get that Hot Toys releases these prototypes, in part, to find out what people don't like about them so that they can make adjustments before the final release. :dunno

And Flosi, ____ the rubber suits. Forever.


HT does read fan input... but whining here and in their Facebook page doesn't make these things happen... but hey, whoa!!! Double rainbow!!!
My Spider-Man Medicom soon be replaced from this Spier-Man made by HOT TOYS in the same way the Venom and the Spider-Man Black suit.:)
I was really looking forward to this reveal, but I'm not digging it. The lack of ankle articulation is unforgiveable for Spidey IMO. Also not loving the colour of the webbing.

Even though the mask isn't removable, they could still have included a Parker head. Spider-man is nothing without Peter, he's the real character in a way that I don't think any other hero is.

HT does read fan input... but whining here and in their Facebook page doesn't make these things happen... but hey, whoa!!! Double rainbow!!!

Oh that's right, I forgot you worked for them and had all the insider knowledge on how they operate.
No Peter Parker HS? WTF. I will buy the suit from evil-bay, slap it on a truetype, voila, Spider Man! and not $150-160 :nana:

LMFAO!!! :slap

Just how are you going to get the suit off the body to buy it in the first place?