Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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I may pick this up. While I think the whole movie series sucked the big one, I think the suit looks sharp and Spiderman was such a big part of my childhood. Plus, the color of his outfit will compliment Reeves Superman when he is released.
How often does Sideshow release pics for a pre-order and then make changes based on fan comments? From what I've read here and have observed myself, the changes are extremely infrequent. If I'm wrong, then prove it and I'll admit that I'm wrong. I'm more a 1/6 scale collector, so admittedly, I pay more attention to Hot Toys. But I've paid a fair amount of attention to Sideshow's statues (and the Joe figures of course) and they seem to open up a product for order and let it go. Fan complaints after the fact be damned. If unexpected changes pop up, they are usually in terms of the factory's inability to convey what was shown on the product page, not a conscious choice by Sideshow. Hot Toys changes stuff all the time after releasing "official" pictures. This has nothing to do with customer service, by the way. Sideshow may make a rare change here or there (Firefly head and I recall reading about some statue getting pupils), but that's not "making changes all the time."

You're forgetting the basic change of proto paint apps to factory jobs. I know there's tons of threads here "Petition: Please SS, make my GI Joe Flint figure's factory paint look as if a 6 year old autistic child painted it"... SS always listens. :lecture
How often does Sideshow release pics for a pre-order and then make changes based on fan comments? From what I've read here and have observed myself, the changes are extremely infrequent. If I'm wrong, then prove it and I'll admit that I'm wrong. I'm more a 1/6 scale collector, so admittedly, I pay more attention to Hot Toys. But I've paid a fair amount of attention to Sideshow's statues (and the Joe figures of course) and they seem to open up a product for order and let it go. Fan complaints after the fact be damned. If unexpected changes pop up, they are usually in terms of the factory's inability to convey what was shown on the product page, not a conscious choice by Sideshow. Hot Toys changes stuff all the time after releasing "official" pictures. This has nothing to do with customer service, by the way. Sideshow may make a rare change here or there (Firefly head and I recall reading about some statue getting pupils), but that's not "making changes all the time."

Like Is said before. It may not be every piece but its quite often. Just because they put pics up for PO and dont show updated pics doesn't mean there hasn't been changes made. Some are subtle some are more direct. As Mike said some of these changes that fans are complaining about Sideshow is making as those complaints are made or already in the line to be made.
That's true. They sure have also listened to both comments and wallets speaking about "more Joe dios and generic polystone environments please," haven't they?
I really dont want a Toby head, I can also pass on Venom, while I hated this movie this figure is awesome, would have prefered the bright blue from Spiderman 1, but this will be an easy pre order/purchase for me (unlike me sleeping on chris taylor. DAMNIT!)
Fear and Loathing was a great film. Loved Johnny Depp at the race. I also want a Peter Parker head, maybe in a future release. It would be awesome if somewhere down the road we got a 2 in 1 Spider-Man from say 1 or 2.
I am very excited for this figure. I may buy 2, hopefully Toy Anxiety breaks this guy down when he comes out, I really want another Spidey suit.
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I bet this isn't the first red and blue suit we see from Hot Toys, I'm confident we'll see changes AND I guarantee they offer a Peter Parker head somewhere down the line.
I hope we get different suits and different versions of Spider-Man. If I remember correctly in the first 2 films the blue was darker, more like the way Spidey looked in the Ditko days until it became the more recognizable light blue from the Romita era.
Man I love talking about 1/6 Spider-Man stuff.
as long as theres no price increase I'm good, if there is then I'ma be one sad panda.
i pre ordered him. Im betting like everyone is saying HT will make some changes before its release.
They always tweak stuff before the final release and it ends up looking BETTER than the original spec pics (T-1000 anyone? They tweaked that his portrait). Gone are the days where their prototypes KILLED what you ended up receiving (Bank Robber Joker).
With tax and shipping it levels out to $170 for me from SSC. I ordered him just in case but I'm definitely watching other retailers.
Most likely it was the easiest to get. The likeness rights, licensing fees, issues differ from film to film. Much like they did with Terminator or Predators, they'll nab the easiest so it gives them a chance to work on older licenses in the process. The newer films don't usually require too much and many licensees have said the older the film even 10 years comes along with red tape. I guarantee that if allowed HT will go back and do the Power Ranger Goblin and Doc Ock. Whether or not we'll get Spideys too remains to be seen.
Is there a reason that Hot Toys chose the Spider-Man 3 license over 1 or 2? Is it a licensing issue or did they prefer 3?

They have the license for the trilogy.

Whether we will only see Spidey 3 figures now though, because of the reboot, is another story.
Its also the freshiest in people's minds whether that is a good or bad thing is another story.

This is how im gonna pose him, wish he had better wall gripping hands/fingers though