Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Those who do nothing but complain about complainers make me wanna throw up. Only ones worse are those who complain about the whiny "titty birds" complaining about the complainers.

You lost me at titty.
Aren't some of you complaining about complainers who complain about complainers complaining? :lol
Whereas this was the post of a $exual Tyrannosaur!

We have fun here, don't we? Well anyhow, I am very excited about Spidey. I'm looking forward to putting him on display with my other Marvel figures. I just think there's going to be a bit of an imbalance in Iron Man's favor with my display.

I do agree that the figure isn't 100% perfect, but it's still really good to me and I don't have too many complaints about it.
We have fun here, don't we? Well anyhow, I am very excited about Spidey. I'm looking forward to putting him on display with my other Marvel figures. I just think there's going to be a bit of an imbalance in Iron Man's favor with my display.

I do agree that the figure isn't 100% perfect, but it's still really good to me and I don't have too many complaints about it.

Ya it's great having all the marks ..but ya.. it can really imbalance a collection!
Of course, this figure does look very good. But Hot Toys has set its own bar very high, and I'm not sure that this one (based on the prototype) meets what it has achieved with, say, Iron Man, or the Dark Knight line, or the Platoon or Predators line. Of course, this is their first attempt at a figure of this type and Hot Toys is great at learning from its mistakes, so I am genuinely optimistic that they are going to create a real home run of a Spidey sooner or later.
This one is really hard to pass especially it's "only" aound $100 (HK price) :panic:
Of course, this figure does look very good. But Hot Toys has set its own bar very high, and I'm not sure that this one (based on the prototype) meets what it has achieved with, say, Iron Man, or the Dark Knight line, or the Platoon or Predators line. Of course, this is their first attempt at a figure of this type and Hot Toys is great at learning from its mistakes, so I am genuinely optimistic that they are going to create a real home run of a Spidey sooner or later.

Spidey in design is very simple when put next to a complex ironman armor.. (faults aside)i think they done very well ,its not there fault spiderman is a simple design.
They most certainly have set the bar high. I feel that a 3rd quarter release for this figure, whereas a lot of people were speculating something like March or April, is a good sign. If there's anything that I really do admire about Hot Toys, it is their ability to innovate and improve figures based off of the criticisms and observations of the fans. I have a feeling that this figure will be quite different when it's ready to ship.
I'm looking forward to putting him on display with my other Marvel figures.

Very much looking forward to having this along side the Iron Man stuff as well as the Origins Wolverine. Got Ghost Rider coming with his bike and that thing looks sick as well.
The price on this figure is very nice.

Very much looking forward to having this along side the Iron Man stuff as well as the Origins Wolverine. Got Ghost Rider coming with his bike and that thing looks sick as well.
My Marvel team will definitely be coming together. Can't wait for Cap and Thor.
I have to see it in hand before I purchase...I'll leave it at that.
Very much looking forward to having this along side the Iron Man stuff as well as the Origins Wolverine. Got Ghost Rider coming with his bike and that thing looks sick as well.

We are getting quite a nice little Marvel setup together with these lines. I was even tempted to pick up one of these figures to go with the setup. Not Hot Toys, but I think it looks pretty decent. Although the movie was kind of uninspiring.
