Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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I made some photoshop improvements that I'm going to send to Hot Toys via facebook. What do you guys think?



My Marvel team will definitely be coming together. Can't wait for Cap and Thor.

Those are so gonna be off the charts. When they showed the concept art for the movies over the summer I started thinking off the bat how great HT would make these look.

We are getting quite a nice little Marvel setup together with these lines. I was even tempted to pick up one of these figures to go with the setup. Not Hot Toys, but I think it looks pretty decent. Although the movie was kind of uninspiring.


That does look pretty good. I would get a nice Punisher figure. He's not really a character I'm into but the right look and price I would.
That does look pretty good. I would get a nice Punisher figure. He's not really a character I'm into but the right look and price I would.

I love Punisher. He's an awesome character. I used the read the Marvel MAX series all the time and it was good stuff.

That figure is about $90, but is sold out at most places that carry it.
^^ Another member of the Yulli stalker club? :lol

...I dont get it

I think the only real legit nit to pick with this figure are the boots. Clearly Spidey needs the ankle articulation. But other than that, you guys have gotten way to nit picky. I mean had we gotten this figure when Spider-man 3 first came out, people would have been thrilled and blown away. Just a few years into the future and its suddenly not good enough. :slap

Exactly; entirely WAY to nit picky.

Voicing a minor concern is one thing, but going the length to draw out full on diagrams criticizing an artists work is not only insane but disrespectful to the hard work he or she has completed thus far.

Buttmunch, you couldnt been more precise with your last sentence. If this figure wouldve been shown or released some years back it wouldve been glorified to the fullest, now all-of-a-sudden its not worthy enough to grace collectors shelves.

I'm going to start noting all names of those who complain about people who have complaints. Just out of curiosity, to see if at some point there isn't something about a figure that irks them that they have the cheek to be critical of.

One thing I've learned about myself around here is that every figure is perfect and beyond criticism....until its a character I'm majorly passionate about. So I know I have no right to dismiss anyone else's nitpicks. I don't have to particularly care but its not for me to say anything against the people who do.

Do that & Ill be sure to note all the names of those individuals who constantly illustrate a figures flaws, yet are the first ones to post in hand images of that same piece they ridiculed months ago, once its released domestically.

Maybe Im just taking all the _____ing to heart though. Maybe all of this is just a way to keep the board flowing and keep some discussion going in threads amoungst members; I must say though, its a hell of a way to converse. I guess the topics would be pretty boring if everything was all peaches & cream.

....With that said, carry on with your whiny ways, I guess..............
Exactly; entirely WAY to nit picky.

Voicing a minor concern is one thing, but going the length to draw out full on diagrams criticizing an artists work is not only insane but disrespectful to the hard work he or she has completed thus far.

Buttmunch, you couldnt been more precise with your last sentence. If this figure wouldve been shown or released some years back it wouldve been glorified to the fullest, now all-of-a-sudden its not worthy enough to grace collectors shelves.

I love Punisher. He's an awesome character. I used the read the Marvel MAX series all the time and it was good stuff.

That figure is about $90, but is sold out at most places that carry it.

The thing about The Punisher that I could never get into was I think sometimes they went a bit far with how extreme he would get. The premise and look of the character is a great idea and cool.

Not a bad price really. I might even find some random custom head out there and change it up a bit.

Voicing a minor concern is one thing, but going the length to draw out full on diagrams criticizing an artists work is not only insane but disrespectful to the hard work he or she has completed thus far.

I agree with you on that. Its been that way for a long time though. Always a balance between making comments even constructive and really going a bit far.
Do that & Ill be sure to note all the names of those individuals who constantly illustrate a figures flaws, yet are the first ones to post in hand images of that same piece they ridiculed months ago, once its released domestically.

I don't see a problem with that ..a figure with flaws is better then no figure:dunno and at the end of the day hot toys figure are almost always very well done even with there flaws(berserker) , i don't see anything wrong with people nitpicking at a figures flaws and for those same people to get the figure on release:dunno

.. what your saying is that only people who don't nitpick the figure are the ones who should have it?:cuckoo:
I guess you won't hear people "nitpick" if the figure was free (hehe) but it's not and people are paying premium prices for these Hot Toys. You won't hear people give suggestions on HT figures they don't care about or if it was hasbro doing 6" or 3" version of this character I wouldn't care at all.

I'm a big spidey fan since I was a kid so I just want him done well and if I see something can still be improved, I'll voice out my opinion. I don't see anything wrong with that.
This one is really hard to pass especially it's "only" aound $100 (HK price) :panic:
See it really depends on the price point for me to buy this. For $100.00 I might consider buying this. For me, usually the head sculpt is what decides a buy for me and this one missing a head sculpt made it lukewarm to me. But the proportions look good and the range of movement are well done.
Nice side by side

I think there is ALOT of work to be done on this imo

Has anybody wondered why we are getting full spec and pics in Dec 2010 and yet this thing is not getting released until Q3 2011

That is a long wait for HT standards! Does anybody wonder if that is because they realise there is still alot to be done but just wanted something to show us :dunno

I think it got to do with the model number MMS 143 "I LOVE YOU" they want to release this spidey to own the 143 code. Hahaha:rotfl

I agree HT needs to work on this figure some more. Hey HT for once listen to your buyers, work on the ankle and all the stuffs mentioned her. Learn from Berserker.
Like the figure, despise the third movie though. Will probably put in a preorder though since I don't own a 1/6 Spidey by anyone. Wish the boots had been cloth like the rest of you but c'est la vie.
I'm sorry but this figure is weak coming from hot toys. Definitely the best spidey 1/6 to date, but compared to other hot toys stuff, this could have been better. This took forever also. It's a bit overpriced, so have to see if it grows on me enough to want it.
I think it looks pretty good, if a bit uninsipring. I especially like the mask. As was mentioned before spiderman is a simple design, there's not gonna be any pers , light-up feature or accessories, so its no surprise people are freaking out over the boots.

Its designed the way it is for a reason, Hot toys obviously looked at every possible way of doing the character and picked the one which suited them best FOR THE MOMENT. And who knows they might change it yet. :dunno

As for the complainers, you have every right to complain, if it was a Punisher figure I know I would but you only have make your point once, not every second page, It just spams the thread for everyone else who wants to get a good idea of the individuals opinions on the figure.:peace

Movie accuracy aside I wish they included some random accessories like a camera and maybe a lamp post which has been ripped out of the ground for spidey to swing.:yess:
I don't think this fig is weak. It has a few more features than Black Widow. It has great articulation as does Black Widow. The extra stand looks really cool. Also, it is hard to compare Spidey to other figs to date, because I think Spidey is a very simple character which doesn't have a lot of accessories. :)