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Hear! Hear! Kuzeh.

This ____ is really getting old and pathetic. Specs thread have seriosuly gone down hill & become nothing but up _____-fests. These types of ungrateful reactions is one of the main reasons I no longer look to visit HT facebook page; starting to feel the exact same way about the boards.

It kills me how EVERYONE is an expert sculpter/artist & can tell professionals how to do their jobs. Never seen grown ass men act like such babies.....ugh..its really disgusting


Wait till CR supes is released. It will be damn near perfect and nothing but a _____ slinging fest!
I think this came out good overall, but;

1. Why are HT heads always undersized?
2. Why can't they get the size and shape of chest symbols right (got it wrong on both TDK suit batman figs, v1 and DX, and totally wrong here).
3. The hands and boots would really benefit from having cloth finishes.
Agreed. The seamwork does look sloppy there, but it is much larger than actual size.

Probably wouldn't be that noticeable.
I don't see a problem with that ..a figure with flaws is better then no figure:dunno and at the end of the day hot toys figure are almost always very well done even with there flaws(berserker) , i don't see anything wrong with people nitpicking at a figures flaws and for those same people to get the figure on release:dunno

.. what your saying is that only people who don't nitpick the figure are the ones who should have it?:cuckoo:

:lecture Exactly what I was thinking. I'm not sure what he was getting at there.

Look for the record, in this particular case, apart from making the boots the same material as the suit which I think would be a good idea, I'm as puzzled by the complaints as much as other people. He looks great to me, but then I'm a casual fan compared to these guys. If they have something to say now when theres a possibility to make a cool figure even better I'm for that.