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I don't see a problem with that ..a figure with flaws is better then no figure:dunno and at the end of the day hot toys figure are almost always very well done even with there flaws(berserker) , i don't see anything wrong with people nitpicking at a figures flaws and for those same people to get the figure on release:dunno

.. what your saying is that only people who don't nitpick the figure are the ones who should have it?:cuckoo:

You really contradicted your entire argument.

If a figure with flaws is better than no figure at all, whats the point in constantly discussing what a distaster it is, creating charts about its mishaps, yet still purchasing it? Waste of time & thread space, dont you think? Again since "a figure with flaws is better then no figure" why wouldnt you just be grateful that the piece is being produced & that you will have the opportunity to obtain the so-called "figure-with-flaws" and let it be.

Never once did I state that voicing a valid & reasonable opinion was unacceptable. I enjoy reading & hearing others viewpoints on figures, but only when they are within means, reasonable and courteous towards the creators; that has not been displayed here.

...And no Im not saying that people who dont criticize a figure are the only ones who should purchase. Im simply saying whats the whole point of someone that supposedly isnt fond a particular figure going the "slaying distance" when their going to purchase the damn thing anyways, despite their dislike.....You dont like it, yet your the first to place your pre-order/order & post in hand images. Seems that should be left up to the people who loved the figure initially.
...And no Im not saying that people who dont criticize a figure are the only ones who should purchase. Im simply saying whats the whole point of someone that supposedly isnt fond a particular figure going the "slaying distance" when their going to purchase the damn thing anyways, despite their dislike.....You dont like it, yet your the first to place your pre-order/order & post in hand images. Seems that should be left up to the people who loved the figure initially.

OK, but criticising certain things about a figure doesn't mean someone "totally dislikes" the figure. Thats an assumption a lot of people seem to make around here - this whole "don't like it, don't buy it" cliche. I persistently criticise the T-800s squashed face but I freaking love that figure. :dunno

Yes people will find flaws in figures, still buy them and still love them.
I like the figure and will buy it, but if they made the boots material and not plastic i'd be happier. Im not having a hissy fit about it im just saying it would be an improvement on an already great piece.
This makes 4 figures on the Toys2 frontpage that I want to order:

Platoon Sergeant Barnes
Falconer Predator
Barney Ross
and Spiderman

The others I either have already, already have on order or don't want
Just placed my PO with CSC. I have hope that HT will fix some of the glaring mistakes they made on the proto, but even if they don't it's till the best 1/6 Spidey on the market so it will be mine.
Toys2 will probably get this in early Q2 whilst SSC is probably a good bet for mid Q3...with the other HT figures I have on order I think I'll stay with SSC for Spidey. Especially since the Mk V will hit anytime now and that one I'll want sooner than later.
I'm sure they'll make another version of Spidey in some other form, so I think I'll wait for that, even if their first try is awesome. I already own the Medi comic version, so I guess I can wait.
My one and only complaint is that the legs are too thick, they need to take those extra muscles out. Spidey is supposed to look slim.

But I've got this biotch pre-ordered and I cannot wait.
This might sound like a dumb question, but has Hot Toys ever actually taken any criticisms voiced here into account and modified their prototypes before releasing them? Because people had all kinds of problems with the T-1000 and they didn't improve the head sculpt; people had problems with the first Joker and they reissued two more figures but not before releasing the first; etc. And I have to agree with a lot of the complainers on this thread, this Spidey is head over heels above the competition out there, but pretty weak in terms of a Hot Toys release.
This might sound like a dumb question, but has Hot Toys ever actually taken any criticisms voiced here into account and modified their prototypes before releasing them? Because people had all kinds of problems with the T-1000 and they didn't improve the head sculpt; people had problems with the first Joker and they reissued two more figures but not before releasing the first; etc. And I have to agree with a lot of the complainers on this thread, this Spidey is head over heels above the competition out there, but pretty weak in terms of a Hot Toys release.

The T-1000 was modified slightly, his sticky out ears were brought in a bit as they were too exaggerated on the prototype - although I'm not sure if that was in response to forum criticisms.