Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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my ebay seller has them instock now so i should be getting mine somtime next week.
New Rule: If you guys get your figures post at least one picture of it.

Can't handle the wait anymore:impatient:

:lol c'mon now son, don't be impatient... You'll get yours soon enough! :peace

I don't quite follow - some folks are saying the suit is fairly durable, others say it's delicate.. is there a consensus on this, or is it a matter of opinion mostly?? :dunno
This figure is all sorts of cool! I'm still trying to figure out how they got the suit on - it must be heat sealed or something.

One problem I had - when I tried to change the hand I pulled out the whole forearm. Not broken, but there appears to be a black undersuit and it took some working to get the forearm back on. So be careful there kids.

Also I'm not sure about the scale - he's shorter than Odin, but doesn't seem to be on the slim body, which he really should be. But still the best 1/6 Spidey, EVER. Blows all the Medicoms out of the water with a hypersonic drone.
Not broken, but there appears to be a black undersuit and it took some working to get the forearm back on. So be careful there kids.

Y'know, the same thing happened with mine. Seems to come out just a bit too easily. ..but it does stay once you get a pose down, so I'm not too bothered by it.