Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Yes. Got the shipping notice after the last flexpay went through. It will be here tuesday as well. :)
Just got mine from SSC. The figure looks to be another winner from HT. Surprised at how big the box is too..

Love it - WL coverted on the 8th, and in my grubby hands today.
Just got mine from SSC. The figure looks to be another winner from HT. Surprised at how big the box is too..

Love it - WL coverted on the 8th, and in my grubby hands today.

New Rule: If you guys get your figures post at least one picture of it.

Can't handle the wait anymore:impatient:
Your Thor pics were great so looking forward to your Spidey pics


Why thank you kind sir. Perhaps another character or two will make a cameo in the next set of pics.

Yeah Nick's Pic's are the Sh|t's

I would thank you too, Nova, but what you compared my pictures to is what happens when you eat too much Mexican food. I believe what you meant was, "the sh¡t" rather than the plural version. :wink1:

EDIT: Actually, I just re read what you typed and it's the possessive form of sh¡t which confuses the statement tremendously leaving me me with nothing witty to say. :hi5:
Why thank you kind sir. Perhaps another character or two will make a cameo in the next set of pics.

I would thank you too, Nova, but what you compared my pictures to is what happens when you eat too much Mexican food. I believe what you meant was, "the sh¡t" rather than the plural version. :wink1:

I edited as you were posting your infamous 3 rolling heads lol


I would thank you too, Nova, but what you compared my pictures to is what happens when you eat too much Mexican food. I believe what you meant was, "the sh¡t" rather than the plural version. :wink1:

Is that word no longer blocked?


It blocked it for me. :dunno

[Edit] I think I figured it out. You have some kind of secret inverted exclamation point: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡