Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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The only other gripe I have are those damn hand pegs. The hands just aren't soft pliable enough to pull the pegs out, it's such a tight fit. It reminds me of the problems I had with the original OC TDK Batman. They just won't come out without brute force, and I don't want to risk damaging the peg. The 2 extra pegs are nice, but even with 4 hands available, there's still atleast 6 others that can't be used. I wish they'd just insert the pegs into each hand, so all 10 can be used without having to rip the pegs out. I know there's the boil and pop and blow dryer method, but I wouldn't risk potentially ruining the color of the hands.

The wrist pegs aren't any different than any other HT figure. And the hands don't seem any harder to me either. After taking them in and out a few times it gets easier. I always keep my extra pegs wrapped and in the box, only to be used if one breaks.

While boiling could discolor the hands, I have never heard of this happening with the hairdryer method. If you heat up those hands the pegs will not break. I've gotten to lazy for that though. I pull the pegs straight out with a pliers. The key is to pull them straight out and to use slow constant pressure Don't jerk them out.

Didn't think I would but I WILL get the black suit version.

:clap :rock
Mags, those first four pics represent the figure perfectly. He looks awesome.

Looking good Mags. Nice posing.

Great shots Maglor! Nice pose as well!

those are some stunning shot Maglor ,i'm impressed.


Great pix Mags :clap

Very nice pics maglor

Thank you all very much. :)

Actually looks like it could be a PF

those who are just casually looking at the pics won't even think it's a 'toy'. looks like movie pics or behind the scenes stuff.

mind blowing.

Wow, thanks! High praise for both the pics and the figure.

I've since tweaked the pose again. I changed the stance to cinch up the droopy drawers a little more.
Well whatever method you use, I've used the same method of pulling out wrist pegs since I got my first Hot Toys figure, and this is the first time one broke, so I think there really is something different about these. Maybe the plastic quality was affected when they were cast in the red plastic.
No, probably not. They probably wouldn't break if you pulled them straight out, either. I just pulled it sort of at an angle for leverage, because wrist pegs in the past (in my experience) could handle that pressure no problem. But not here.
No, probably not. They probably wouldn't break if you pulled them straight out, either. I just pulled it sort of at an angle for leverage, because wrist pegs in the past (in my experience) could handle that pressure no problem. But not here.

Ah, I see. I always pull mine straight out.

Again, use a pliers and use slow constant pressure.
Here's the tweaked pose:



No more droopy drawers. :)
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No, probably not. They probably wouldn't break if you pulled them straight out, either. I just pulled it sort of at an angle for leverage, because wrist pegs in the past (in my experience) could handle that pressure no problem. But not here.

That's how I broke my Spidey wrist peg too. :monkey2 You definitely can't bend these in the least little way.
I just want you guys to know that I am here for you. I'm willing to let you have my extra set of wrist pegs for $100 (a piece) :monkey3
I know this has been asked before, but is there any issues with posing some of these pieces in dynamic poses long-term?
I got mine, I am really liking him. The web on the mask centering with the eyes is pretty good on mine. Overall i'm really happy with him. His ankles aren't as articulated as I would like. Some of the spiderman poses may not be possible like the ones he is crouched really close to the ground. Overall I haven't been so happy with a figure like this for some time, I mean It's spiderman!!!!


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I just want you guys to know that I am here for you. I'm willing to let you have my extra set of wrist pegs for $100 (a piece) :monkey3

I'll take them. but i have conditions.

that' got to include shipping.

and by shipping, i mean you've got to hand-deliver them

also, I'm only going to pay you in unrolled pennies, placed in several 25 gallon garbage cans.
Lol I do but you can get that stuff for pretty cheap just about anywhere. There is very little chance of it snapping on a 1lb ish figure when it can hold up on huge ass fish lol

I'll take them. but i have conditions.

that' got to include shipping.

and by shipping, i mean you've got to hand-deliver them

also, I'm only going to pay you in unrolled pennies, placed in several 25 gallon garbage cans
