Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Gotta chime in on the web complaint. They stay straight for a about 4 hours before they start to droop. Couldn't they have used a harder plastic?

Otherwise Spidey rocks.
Not to be a jerk, but for like i think hundredth time, HT's currently only has the Spider-Man 3 license... so don't even hold your breathe for a Goblin figure... Sad but true. :(


I was under the impression hot toys had the Marvel license and they could do figures from any Marvel movie including the whole spiderman trilogy.:dunno

Example: We got Blade from Blade 2 and Abby from Blade trinity.
Not to be a jerk, but for like i think hundredth time, HT's currently only has the Spider-Man 3 license... so don't even hold your breathe for a Goblin figure... Sad but true. :(

I'm pretty sure that someone at HT said they had the rights to the "Spiderman trilogy," not just SM3. And if so, they're probably testing the waters and getting Spidey figured out with SM3 first, since it is the lesser of the films. And in a year or two we'll all be wowed with the improvements made on DX battle damaged Spiderman 2 Spidey with switch-out head, etc.
Is the undersuit all one piece or are there separate sleeves that need to be adjusted in the shoulder area? I just want to figure out which direction to move the fabric (up or down the shoulder)

The sleeves are just one piece. So the whole thing slides up as one.
I'm pretty sure that someone at HT said they had the rights to the "Spiderman trilogy," not just SM3. And if so, they're probably testing the waters and getting Spidey figured out with SM3 first, since it is the lesser of the films. And in a year or two we'll all be wowed with the improvements made on DX battle damaged Spiderman 2 Spidey with switch-out head, etc.

I'm pretty sure the license covers any Marvel film character.
Just made a slight mod to my spidey with the mask off and stark head as a temp. tried to change the boots but the pegs that connect the foot to leg is smaller than the average ball/peg so that was a fail. wanted to have him wearing pants but i cant seem to get em past the thighs as its extra bulky, anyone know if they are removable like on the recent muscular true type adv vers where the bulky thigh piece can be removed so u get a slim leg? im too scared to cut the fabric to find out its sculpted.
I'm pretty sure that someone at HT said they had the rights to the "Spiderman trilogy," not just SM3. And if so, they're probably testing the waters and getting Spidey figured out with SM3 first, since it is the lesser of the films. And in a year or two we'll all be wowed with the improvements made on DX battle damaged Spiderman 2 Spidey with switch-out head, etc.

I don't think that Spider-man will ever be a DX because there isn't enough accessories/costumes to even warrant a DX. For that matter they haven't even done a DX T2 T-800 BD. I'd expect the Black spidey to be the last Spider-man figure they will do from this trilogy, and then maybe a few villains...then they will proceed to the Amazing Spider-man line for next summer.
haha, ive got 2 of them, one clean untouched and the other to play around with. u sure its removable? i was trying to feel around the thighs but im not sure its removable aye, hope ur right tho
Just made a slight mod to my spidey with the mask off and stark head as a temp. tried to change the boots but the pegs that connect the foot to leg is smaller than the average ball/peg so that was a fail. wanted to have him wearing pants but i cant seem to get em past the thighs as its extra bulky, anyone know if they are removable like on the recent muscular true type adv vers where the bulky thigh piece can be removed so u get a slim leg? im too scared to cut the fabric to find out its sculpted.

The sad thing is that the horrible neck seam is still there! :lol:slap
Doc Ock would require some pretty insane engineering.. Hot Toys know they wanna do it :rotfl.. It seems like a Hot Toys kind of figure
Toy Biz did a good, but very simple Doc Ock. I'm sure HT could improve on that design.
I just got this bad boy in the morning!! I've been posing him for a while, by far the best posseable figure I've ever had.

Quick pics of my phone:




