Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Just did a reivew of Iron Man's crushed helmet. Check it out here!
Here's Spidey giving Shell Head a noogie!

if ht is smart they WILL make a toby hs on the black version, fingers crossed

The only thing smart about it is charging people for a HS that 50% of buyers would never use.

I'm hoping they don't include one as it will increase the price and the head will not be as accurate or look as good as the sewn in mask for displaying as Spider-Man and it will probably be this version:


Rather than the obviously better:


^ If it was this version and only slightly more money than the Red/Blue Spidey, i'd grab it in a heartbeat, but if its too much more and comes with Emo Dancer Puny Parker then i'll just sit back and :lol at those who buy it.
I'm buying Black Spidey in a heart-beat with or without the TM head sculpt. Would be a nice touch if they added it but it would only end up sitting in it's box like my Cage head sculpt from Ghost Rider is doing Right now.
I'm buying Black Spidey in a heart-beat with or without the TM head sculpt. Would be a nice touch if they added it but it would only end up sitting in it's box like my Cage head sculpt from Ghost Rider is doing now.
I'm buying Black Spidey in a heart-beat with or without the TM head sculpt. Would be a nice touch if they added it but it would only end up sitting in it's box like my Cage head sculpt from Ghost Rider is doing Right now.

The question is how many will actually use it and is that number sihnificant enough to sacrifice the seamless neck to head and increased price?
The question is how many will actually use it and is that number sihnificant enough to sacrifice the seamless neck to head and increased price?

i would def use it, tho i hope its just a regular toby hs and not the emo peter parker version.
If they have a Toby HS, I guarantee that it will be the "Emo" version. Wouldn't make any sense at all to have it be the regular version.

I bet they can make the Emo version look badass.
If they have a Toby HS, I guarantee that it will be the "Emo" version. Wouldn't make any sense at all to have it be the regular version.

I bet they can make the Emo version look badass.

For the first couple of scenes with the black suit he didn't have that emo look, so its possible that he wont have it. Realistically tho, it will be that emo look :monkey2

I dont want an extra head sculpt. No use for it. If I pose the black spidey next to the regular one it would look more uniform to have them both fully suited. Plus, id rather have the sculpt on the red spidey anyways, but thats going to be impossible with how the suit is made.