Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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Finally getting round to reviewing this guy... have to say I'm smitten!










Still love the figure just cant get over how cheap and flimsy the spider webs are. DAMN YOU HOT TOYS for charging me 150.00 and giving me hasbro quality accessories.
Black suit will cost more, due to the Toby head it will almost certainly come with.
I'm not sure about the Toby head. Those who have the classic Spidey will know there is no way the mask is ever coming off. Unless they supply a change of 'emo' clothes and a spider icon vest for under the shirt (like the Medi version).
I'm more hoping for a DX classic Spidey, with 2 complete bodies, one battle damaged with change over Toby head.
Still waiting for venom. hope he get's annoced soon. They should treat spidey like they do Iron man and batman. Spidey is one of the most popular superhero's.
I was pumped for the black Spidey - my original plan was to get the black one & pass on the classic figure, but the Con pics got me thinking a little more. The symbiote costume has a wetsuit type look to it - being that the alien has that rubbery, tar-like appearance.. & this figure needs to reflect that somehow. It just looks like the current suit dyed black at the moment.. but that was just a prototype, I know.

I'm not trying to be negative about it, it's just that unless they can make the costume look that way; like a wetsuit or something, it's just more of the same.. regardless of the possible extra head or whatever.

Btw - I ended up ordering classic Spidey a few months back, & he's finally shipping to me this week. From everything I've seen so far, it's a brilliant piece - can't wait!! :yess:
I'm not sure about the Toby head. Those who have the classic Spidey will know there is no way the mask is ever coming off. Unless they supply a change of 'emo' clothes and a spider icon vest for under the shirt (like the Medi version).
I'm more hoping for a DX classic Spidey, with 2 complete bodies, one battle damaged with change over Toby head.

The only reason I expect to see Toby HS with the black Spidey is the recent picture of the black version with a separate head. I can't think of any other logical reason for making making the figure look this crappy:


I know some have complained about the red version having 'no chin' or whatever, but I don't see that when I look at the figure. I can't imagine HT changing the design just to give him a chin.

'No chin' >>>>>>> ugly ass neck joint.
Why hasn't the above photo been posted in the symbiote thread? That must be a pretty recent pic - I don't like the look of the neck joint / chin either to be honest, & it emphasizes the point I made earlier about the symbiote outfit too..
Neither. Searched, but came up with nada. Thought there might be one since Vintij mentioned it.